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True to mikey's word, they did teach (y/n) how to fight in the gym area of bonten's base. They didn't do anything strenuous but enough to enable her to escape; punches, kicks, head-butts, etc.

The (h/c)-ette panted as she rested her palms on her knees, bending over as she tries to catch her breath. Lately, she's been feeling out of it and couldn't help but think it has to do with all the training they've been giving her (even tho it wasn't that hard). Her limbs were like noodles, sore and limp.

rindou sighs as he observes their angel, approaching her in two strides as his arm came around her so she can rest against his bare chest, "we're stopping for today, okay?" He told her, watching as she tries to deny him but he sucked his teeth in, "baby, you're practically on your last feet, if you keep over pushing you might end up collapsing. You need rest." He frowns.

It was the younger haitani's turn to teach her since the other day was kakucho.

Before (y/n) can protest, she was lifted in his arms bridal style. The jellyfish-haired boy carried her all the way back to the penthouse and refused to let her down when she argues that she can walk herself. The two enter the penthouse where the others are.

"back already?" koko asks, looking up from his laptop to see them coming in, followed by the others. Rindou nods, gently putting the (h/c)-ette down on her feet.

(y/n) walked to the island of the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle. Her head was pounding. She took tentative sips of the cool liquid, thinking she would feel better but she didn't. She clumsily put it back down, rubbing her head to get rid of the ache.

She breathed heavily, a coldness washing over as her body heated up. She started perspiring on her forehead. (e/c) orbs couldn't focus on anything as the voices of her lovers who were having a conversation began drowning out. Black spots slowly appeared in her vision and before she knew it, she felt her body falling, hitting the floor as she completely blacked out.

mikey and the others heard a loud thud and turned around, seeing (y/n) on the floor unconscious. Immediate panic rose inside them as they all scurried from their seats to reach her, "angel!" sanzu screams in worry.

Ran cradled her body protectively as they all tried to wake her up. mikey calls for their personal doctor, pronto, even threatening them to hurry up and get to the penthouse as fast as their life depends on it. The older haitani lifted the (h/c)-ette in his arms carrying her to the bedroom and resting her down just as the doctor arrived with a heavy pant.

The guys waited impatiently in the room as their sharp eyes made sure not to leave the female who was being inspected by the old doctor. After a thirty minutes, he turns to them, "i'll take this blood sample to the lab to make sure everything is okay, but as for now, I don't see nothing wrong. I assume it could from overworking herself but just in case, I'll do a double look and get back to you." He says, getting up with his briefcase as he nods his bosses a farewell and headed back to the basement of HQ to continue his examination.

mochi sighs, petting (y/n)'s head gently as he sat beside her on the bed, eyeing her peaceful face, "it was a bad idea to do this, we should've just said no." He admits, the others beginning to agree.

mikey took the other seat beside her, caressing her cheek softly, obsidian hues softening slightly, "it was my mistake. I won't make it again, we're stopping her training right here and now." He orders with a heavy tone, the others didn't disagree, happily accepting.

An hour or so later, (y/n) groans lightly as she flutters her eyes open, looking around dazed before realizing her lovers were in the room with her either on their phone or talking quietly, her tiny rustle was heard as everything ceased and all eyes were on her.

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