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The past few weeks have been hell. Addison, Derek's wife officially Paige's new friend, came to Seattle Grace Hospital but did not know about Derek and Meredith. Yang got pregnant and with a huge amount of support from Paige with any decision she made, she had an abortion. Derek is now choosing between Meredith and Addison. And when it came to Thanksgiving, Paige (very bravely) helped Izzie cook the dinner as the rest hid at work.

Bailey had invited Paige to a Christmas dinner and while she declined many times, she reluctantly gave in. Thankfully, Bailey was happy when Paige brought Ariel with her, they bonded on the fact that Paige was a mother and Bailey was becoming one.

She and Jack had taken things to the next level, Jack had met Ariel and immediately fell in love with her and even more so with Paige. They both could not be more perfect in his eyes.

But as she walked into the packed hospital, the unsettling feeling in her stomach grew. She's had a feeling like this before and it didn't end well. She dropped off her bag and quickly got information from Dan, the best nurse, that she was needed in the OR. Rushing and getting all the previous information, she walked into Burke's OR.

"How are you doing, Hannah?" Paige walked in and watched as the young paramedic had her hand in a patient's body.

"My hand's getting numb. And this whole "insides are bloody and squishy" thing is so not good for my gag reflex. But I am good. Is this, OK? Me being in here like this?" Hannah replied nervously, watching Meredith and Paige exchange looks.

"Once Dr Burke scrubs in, he'll have you remove your hand and then you can go, and we'll fix Mr Carlson."


"OK, everyone. I am going to do a thoracotomy and Hannah is going to pull her hand out. Dr Grey is going to clamp the bleeder when we have more exposure." He announces to everyone in the room before looking at Hannah, "Ready?"

"More than ready."

Meredith had passed Dr Burke the scalpel and started counting to 3, but as he was about to say 3, Karev ran into the room.

"Dr Burke? I need to speak with you." Alex was red from all the running; you could see his chest heaving up and down from being out of breath.

"I am in surgery, Karev."

"You want to talk to me, sir." Paige was watching the whole ordeal, watching as Alex was trying to explain something as fast as possible. The expression on Dr Burke's face changed so slightly but it was enough for Paige to know something was wrong. The pit in her stomach had her mind racing thoughts, this was not going to end well. She had blanked out from the conversation, the feeling growing rapidly that she couldn't hear the conversation going on between her co-workers. Until the words 'Code Black' had been spoken, her eyes raced towards Meredith who had slowly, too slowly walked out of the OR.

"So, I'm touching live unexploded ammunition?" Hannah's face drained of colour, her eyes had started to tear up and all she could do was stare at the one thing keeping her safe right now: her hand.

"I am afraid so. Dr Avery, I need you to go now."

"Right..." She had started to slowly walk out of the room but the feeling in her stomach had become so distinct, it was almost like it wanted her to stay here. "Dr Burke." She had him a few steps away from Hannah, "it is best if I stay here, I've got a degree in Psychology. If there is one person who can keep her calm and read her before she does anything drastic, it's me."

Burke nodded, and the two stared at Hannah. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead, her eyes were bloodshot, and her only focus was the bomb.

" What if I just take my hand out really quickly?"

Bleeding Bloods - Mark Sloan (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now