Welcome to Hogwarts

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September 1st came surprisingly fast. Romina was both ecstatic to finally see Hogwarts and scared out of her mind. She knew that today was the day she put forth her name into the wizarding community after 11 years. Harry would inevitably find out about her after he learned of his own identity. It drove Romina nuts.

She combed her wavy hair over and over while the same thoughts ran in her mind. It wasn't until her aunt had to physically come into her room to take her out that Romina finally forced the thoughts away.

King's Cross station was bumbling with muggles going back and forth to their needed platform. Many of them - if not most of them - were throwing both Romina and Harry odd looks for their unusual things stocked over their trollies. People were especially interested in Harry's snowy-white owl, Hedwig.

"I don't understand, there's no 9 and 3 quarters anywhere," Romina had a big frown plastered across her face as her eyes flickered from the number 9 platform to the number 10.

"What'd you expect, dearie?" Sage came up beside her. "Muggles aren't supposed to see anything."

"So then how do we get in?"

"Well-" but Sage was interrupted by a rather loud family passing by them towards the platform. They all donned the same wild, ginger hair.

"Sage, are those...?" Lyonel raised an eyebrow at the ginger family.

"With that hair, they have to be," Sage mumbled.

Romina and Harry were fascinated after they witnessed one of the ginger kids running head straight into the barrier, brick wall dividing the platforms 9 and 10 and disappearing.

"Did he just...?" went Harry, mouth hanging ajar.

"Oh yeah," Romina gave one nod of her head.

"Fred, you're next," the mother of the family pushed forward one of her identical twins.

The twin in question, or perhaps not, huffed. "I'm not Fred. I'm George. Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

The mother flushed and apologized. "Sorry, George, dear."

However, the twin grinned mischievously. "Only joking, I am Fred."

Harry and Romina exchanged comical glances. The two twins had done the same as their brother and ran into the barrier, disappearing right after.

"Knowing my luck, I'll crash," Romina glumly said.

"Oh, no you won't," Sage laughed. "You just have to run towards it. Nothing to it."

"You can go first," Romina then told Harry.

"Ladies first," he countered.

Romina's tongue swiveled to the side, not at all pleased. "Oh, now you're all gentlemanly."

"C'mon, we'll do it together," Sage grabbed onto Romina's trolley, and the two prepared to go towards the barrier.

Then, they ran.

Romina shut her eyes long before they reached the barrier (just in case they ended up crashing). Eventually when she heard the distinctable engines of a train, Romina realized they hadn't crashed and decided to reopen her eyes.

"Woah..." was all that came out of her mouth when she spotted a crimson red train waiting to take off.

Seconds later, Harry and Lyonel emerged from the barrier. Harry entered the same fascinated state as Romina after catching sight of the train.

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