The Oswell

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November arrived and passed midway and the only thing that had changed was that Hermione was now good friends with Harry and Ron. Romina was glad for it. However, she herself was still struggling to speak with Harry. Hermione had helped her countless times but with no results.

"Yesterday, I heard a Ravenclaw whispering about you," Hermione whispered to Romina while scribbling the last bit of her potions homework.

The students were all doing their homework in the Great Hall and since it was free, there were no special seating arrangements by House. Romina and Hermione sat just opposite from Harry and Ron.

"I told her it wasn't true," Hermione said obviously. "But it didn't stop her from continuing with her friends."

Romina groaned. "Why does everyone find me so damn interesting?" She looked away from her homework just for a second, but probably the most interesting second of that morning yet. Seamus Finnigan was trying to do his Transfiguration homework a couple feet from them.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water, into rum," he eagerly looked into the cup but saw no such thing. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum..."

Romina bit her lip as she desperately tried not to laugh. "Um, is he for real trying to change that glass of water into rum?"

Hermione barely gave the spectacle a moment of care. "He's trying. I heard yesterday he made some sort of weak tea—"


Both girls, as did the rest of the table, jumped in their spots when Seamus' cup literally exploded and left Seamus with a soot-covered face again. Everyone burst into laughter, including Hermione who was trying to hide it behind her book.

The laughter stopped, however, when Snape appeared. He stopped by the table after picking up a student's parchment, paying no attention to Seamus of course. "Good luck today, Potter." Harry looked up but by now had learned better than to snap back. "Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it is against Slytherin." With that, he headed out of the Great Hall.

Harry watched after him with narrowed eyes. "See that limping he's doing?" he said to his friends. "I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten and so that's why he's limping."

Romina stared in disbelief. Did he just conjure up that story in ten seconds? He had to be losing it now. She was sure of it. "That's my head of House I'll remind you."

"Rom, just listen," Harry requested in order to finish his theory. "The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret. I'm betting that's what's being guarded by the three-headed dog."

"And you're also saying that Snape wants it," Romina could simply not believe him at the moment. "Harry Potter, you've got some nerve! Throwing accusations like that! I'm not going to listen to any of this!" And so she started gathering her things, getting up. "I'd say good luck at your game but I'm just that upset with you!"

Harry wasn't even bothered, more annoyed that she wasn't taking him seriously.

Romina marched off with her head held high.

~ 0 ~

"I've no idea what this is but I'm super excited!" Arden exclaimed as she, Romina, and Pansy found their seats in one of the middle rows of the stands.

"How do you not know what Quidditch is?" Pansy couldn't get over the fact Arden had no idea what the most famous wizard sport was. "Were you raised by wolves?"

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