The Troll

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Romina made a round on her broomstick on the grass for the fifth time. She was eyeing it like it was the most sophisticated witch's broomstick she'd seen, despite it being ages old and kept within the school's dusty cupboards. Today was the first day they'd be learning how to fly on broomsticks and needless to say Romina was heavily excited. Beside her was Arden who was staring at her own broomstick wistfully. No one could deny that this particular class had been the most anticipated.

"Romina!" Hermione Granger excitedly arrived first from her House. All first year Gryffindors and Slytherins were to have the morning class together. "Are you ready? I read a lot about this last night and I think I know a thing or two now."

Romina exchanged confused looks with Arden before the former responded. "But there was no assigned book for this class."

Hermione remained unbothered.

"Okay," Arden coughed awkwardly. She had already expressed to Romina that the bushy-haired Gryffindor intimidated her with her vast knowledge of just about everything. Yes, Hermione was definitely making herself known to all Houses.

"Quidditch Through the Ages really does give you helpful tips on the proper ways to steer," Hermione continued to blab as she went to take a stand directly across from Romina. Slytherins had just decided to take one line, leaving the Gryffindors the other. "If you want to know about them I'd be more than happy to share."

"Think you would be," Arden mumbled under her breath. Romina elbowed Arden on the ribs, warning her not to be rude. Hermione could come on strong but she never meant to be rude.

"Hey girls," Angel came around.

"Hey Angel," Romina greeted, "This my friend Hermione."

"Right." Angel, like everyone else, had already come to know Hermione Granger. "Nice to meet you, I'm Angel Paes." Hermione nodded and shook hands with him. "You guys ready for the lesson?"

"Sort of," Arden was eyeing her broom wearily. "I'm afraid it'll drop me."

Angel chuckled. "Yeah, that happened to my sister once."

"You have a sister?" Hermione asked, her head already turning to catch sight of said sister.

"Where is your sister?" Romina curiously asked. "Was she placed in another House?"

"No," sighed Angel. "Carolinha and our Mum stayed in Rio de Janeiro — that's where our family's from. Our grandmother's really sick so Mum is staying there for the foreseeable future and Carol wanted to stay too. She's always been closer to our grandmother."

"What is she doing about school then?" Arden asked and before Angel would explain, Hermione cut in with the, unsurprisingly, correct answer.

"She's probably going to Castelbruxho for her first year."

Angel raised an eyebrow at Hermione. "Uh, yeah..."

Arden was baffled with the name. Neither Angel nor Romina looked confused. "What is that?"

"It's the Brazilian school for wizards and witches," Romina shrugged. Arden's eyes flickered to her. "My aunt and uncle told me about the other schools around the world.""

Angel confirmed it all with a nod. "Yeah, that's right. My parents asked if I wanted to go to Brazil too but I really wanted to come to Hogwarts instead."

"That's so interesting, there being other schools around the world..." Arden was dazzled with the information and she didn't hesitate to ask Angel more about Castlebruxho. He was kind enough to answer her as best as he could.

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