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The next time Harry saw Romina, he dared not bring up the fact he heard how Draco basically convinced her to go to Hogsmeade after everyone's failed attempts before him. Besides, he had a lot on his plate anyways. That same Hogsmeade trip was also the place where he learned the truth behind Sirius Black. That kind of rage left little to no clear vision about anything else.

"You need to calm down before you explode," Romina watched Harry with concern while the boy in glasses balled his fists over the dining table. "Someone can question you over it and then what would you say? That you snuck out to Hogsmeade and purposely eavesdropped on a teachers' conversation?"

"We've been telling him that," Ron said from across them.

"It's not that easy, is it?" snapped Harry, putting both Ron and Hermione in a silent state. "Black was supposed to be my parents trustee. He was supposed to be their friend and he betrayed them!"

"...he told my parents where yours were," Romina said quietly, managing to calm Harry for the moment. That'd been one of the worst parts for her to hear. Sirius Black confided in the Oswells where the Potters were. They, in turn, notified Voldemort where the Potters were. Romina never felt more ashamed of her family then.

"No one is blaming you for anything," Hermione once again reminded Romina after she'd gone quiet.

Harry's gaze softened when he saw Romina staring at her lap. He could only imagine how Romina was feeling about all this too. Her parents helped Voldemort murder his, and there was nothing either of them could do to change things. "Rom, it's not on you. You're as much a victim as I am—"

"No, I'm not," Romina shook her head. "They live and your parents are dead. I'm sorry." She decided to head back to her own House table before she cried there and then.

"Rom!" the three Gryffindors called after her but it was no use.

By the time Romina took her usual spot beside Arden, she was sniffling with teary eyes.

"Oh, look, something new to cry over today?" Pansy was the first to notice Romina's state. "What is it now?"

"Sod off, Parkinson," Arden snapped then looked at Romina. "What's the matter? You were fine yesterday and—"

"And now that she's gone and visited those little friends of hers, she's gone and reverted back to her depression," Draco spoke from his seat. "You should just stay clear of them, Oswell."

"Oh, like you do," Angel snorted. "Always finding time to come up with new insults for Harry and the others - that sure seems the way to stay clear." Draco rolled his eyes and went back to eating his breakfast.

"Rom, what is it?" Arden asked again, hoping the others would just be quiet and allow Romina a chance to speak.

Romina was aware of the attention she was getting and preferred to end things there. She rubbed at the corner of her eyes and looked up. "N-nothing. I just heard something sad, that's all."

"What'd you expect after talking to those kinds of people?" Pansy gave a nod towards the Gryffindor table.

Romina rolled her eyes and started getting up. "I'm not so hungry anymore."

"Oh no, you can't go without breakfast—" Arden tried to hold onto Romina's arm but the girl pushed Arden away. "Romina!"

Romina didn't listen. She hurried out of the Great Hall and made a beeline for the dungeons, only to bump into Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. The first thing she noticed was Luna barefoot and for some reason, it just really ticked her off even more. "Again!?" she gestured to Luna's pale feet. "Jesus what is it with these students!?" Her loud voice caught the attention of some passing students and of course she called them out on it. "Yeah, you! Do you just enjoy taking shoes!?"

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