New Schedules

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Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived at King's Cross right on time to take the Hogwarts' Express. Ron clutched his pet rat, Scabbers, who - Ron firmly believed - was constantly under attack by Hermione's new ginger cat, Crookshanks. All three were a bit worried to find that Romina had not contacted any of them to at least apologize for not being able to meet with them at the Leaky Cauldron. Although, they also admitted that she had not written to them at all this summer.

"Don't feel that bad," Harry said, "Something's been up with Rom. She barely talked to me and Arden at all."

"Hey, maybe we can ask Arden then, " Ron suggested when he caught sight of the muggle-born girl saying goodbye to her family across from them.

"C'mon, Lilah, we have to go," Arden was tugging the arm of a slightly smaller brunette girl beside her.

"This isn't fair! I want to go too!" Another boy, seeming even smaller than the two girls, stomped his foot. "Muuuum!"

"Hush," went Mrs. King who pulled the boy back. She began fixing the small girl's collar shirt, telling Arden to look after her. "You're her big sister, Arden, and Lilah will need all the help she can get. And you Lilah, follow all the instructions they tell you, alright?"

Lilah King rolled her eyes but nodded her head. "Yeah, Mum. Can we go now, Arden?"

"Yes!" Arden said, looking relieved. She grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her towards the train.

Just as the two girls went in, Hermione called out to them. Arden whirled around, her now longer brown hair whipping in Lilah's face.

"Hey - oh, nice cat," Arden petted Crookshanks in Hermione's arms.

"Thanks. Listen, we wanted to know if you knew anything about Romina," Hermione said for both her, Ron and Harry. "We thought she would come meet us at the Leaky Cauldron but she never showed."

"Doesn't surprise me," Arden mumbled. "I think she went to Diagon Alley way before you guys. But if anything she should be here now."

"I can help find her," Lilah volunteered, making her presence known to the Gryffindors.

Arden sighed and pulled her younger sister beside them. "Everyone, this is my little sister who's starting her first year here...and who's exceptionally nosy so I'd keep caution of your words around her."

Lilah shot her sister a glare before putting on a big smile for the others. "Hi! I'm Lilah! And I know Romina too but she's been very sad for a while now."

"Go find somewhere to sit!" Arden hissed and sent Lilah down the corridor. "I'll catch up! Go!"

"She's not wrong," Harry muttered. "You know something's wrong with Rom..."

Arden agreed but had to remind them that they were all just as lost in the dark as she was. With the time ticking down, the four students had to find somewhere to sit, but Arden had to go find Lilah anyways. When she split from the three Gryffindors, she went into each compartment, poking her head inside to search for Lilah. She passed various students, amongst them ones who wouldn't even lift their heads up from their Daily Prophets.

"You're so rude!" Arden hissed at a particular girl who had ignored her. She never looked up from her copy of the Daily Prophet. Arden moved to slam the compartment door shut when she took a double take. "Wait - Romina!?"

The girl finally raised her head, blank of any expressions. "What?"

"What?" Arden was close to losing it. She forgot about Lilah and walked into the compartment, taking the seat directly in front of Romina. "You're...your hair! What did you do to it!?"

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