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When it came time to get back on the Hogwarts Express, Romina's and Arden's families came together to bid the girls goodbye. It was definitely a sight to see Arden saying goodbye to her sister and her brother. Lilah was desperate to go with her older sister, especially now that she finally expressed some true powers.

"Next year!" Arden promised the younger brunette. "We'll have fun, I promise!"

Romina smiled and turned to say goodbye to her Lyonel and Sage. Things had been a bit awkward from their fight, even as they crossed into a new month. "Are you still mad at me?" she asked her uncle.

Lyonel exchanged a look with his wife, the latter seeming to encourage him on with a small smile. Eventually, Lyonel sighed and shook his head. "No, I'm not. Your aunt and I have been talking and...we realize you were right."

Romina absolutely beamed. "I am!? Ha! I am!"

Her aunt chuckled. "Don't let that little ego grow too much, dear."

Abashed, Romina settled down. "Sorry. But...but you think I was right?"

"Yes," Lyonel repeated. "It is unfair for us to ask you to do the same thing that we always feared would be done to you. But please... we do DO want you to be careful. Because, unfortunately, there are some kids who take their parents path rather fast...and it's rather visible."

"I will be careful," Romina promised them.

"Well, I think it's time to get you on that train," Sage hugged Romina first, and tightly. "Have a wonderful school year, dear. And don't forget to write to us."

"I won't forget," Romina chuckled.

"And you best keep up those grades," Lyonel warned her. "Don't think I didn't notice your potions grade."

"I'll get better! Last year was a bit difficult to focus when almost the entire school hated me. I will strive for an Acceptable."

"Exceeds expectations," Lyonel pointed at her.

"...Acceptable it is!" Romina exclaimed like she hadn't heard his words.


"Bye uncle Lyonel! Bye aunt Sage!" Romina waved and rushed off, swiping Arden with her on the way.


The train trip to the school was oddly quiet, and with a few missing people. Romina could not, for the life of her, find neither Harry nor Ron. She found Hermione, instead, with Neville in one compartment. Arden excused herself to go find Daphne, and Romina decided to stay with Hermione and Neville. There they talked about their summer, while Romina of course played with Trevor the frog. The frog knew her even more since she did indeed visit Neville over the summer - which came to the surprise of his entire family poor thing. Hermione would pause her conversations to look over Lockhart's books every now and then. Still, none of the three could figure out where Harry and Ron were.

Things became worse when both of the boys failed to show up for the feast.

"Oh just let it go," Arden would say every now and then when she caught Romina exchanging looks with Hermione across the room. "They're always causing trouble anyways. Who's to say they're not starting a prank?"

Romina hated that she couldn't discard that idea. It could very well have been that the boys were beginning some sort of prank but even then it didn't feel right. Harry was never one to go for pranks, no matter how many Weasleys were beside him. Needless to say, that night hadn't been easy for Romina (or Hermione) to get past the night.

The next day, however, rumors and stories began to fly in the air about Harry Potter and Ron Weasley crashing into the Whomping Willow.

"I don't believe that one bit," Romina puffed as she and Arden made their way towards the school's Greenhouse. The second year Slytherins and Ravenclaws were to have Herbology that afternoon.

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