The Petrified

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It was after Easter break that the second years started getting a reminder about what was coming next year. Almost every single class warned the second years that they would have to be choosing classes for their upcoming third year. It became the talk of the day; it had a lot of students going into a frenzy trying to decide what they would take.

"I didn't know Hogwarts had all of these classes..." Arden remarked during their study period in the Great Hall. She, much like the rest of the students there, was looking over the list of new subjects they were allowed to take for the next year.

Romina sat beside Arden and was looking at the same list between them. "I had some idea but now that it's here, it's...real."

Angel chuckled at the two. He sat opposite of them with Carolinha on his left and Draco on his right. All three of them had their individual lists in their hands.

"Spot the newbies," Theodore snickered with Blaise. It was actually amusing how Romina and Arden gave the two a simultaneous glare.

Beside the girls, Daphne and Pansy put their lists down on the table. Daphne sighed, looking very put out while Pansy was quite clearly disgruntled.

"Is anyone taking this seriously?" Angel leaned his head forward to catch the group's eyes. "These subjects could affect our whole future."

Draco snorted. "As if it matters."

"It doesn't?" Romina looked at him, confused. "Were we in the same class?" That's the big speech that Snape had given them before the lists were handed out. According to him, it most definitely did matter.

"Well, to some of us it doesn't matter," Draco said with a smile that Romina just couldn't figure out.

"It's all different for us, Romina," Daphne said abruptly, sighing. She understood exactly the point that Draco was trying to make. "You wouldn't know about it."

"What?" Romina's head flipped in Daphne's direction. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't get upset," Daphne said, raising her hands in front of her, "It's just, well, you didn't grow up within our social circle. Everyone knows that a lot of us already have our futures arranged for us."

"What's that mean?" Because Romina still didn't get it.

"Oh for Merlin's sake!" Pansy groaned. "It means purebloods don't have to worry about this stupid stuff!"

"Pansy," Daphne made a gesture to the girl that she needed to calm down. Romina wasn't liking what she was hearing already. "Many families choose the best career and path for their children," Daphne explained, "For example, my parents' marriage was arranged. My mother doesn't work."

Arden let out a snort. "Daphne, I love you, but that's barbaric."

"It's actually very common," Carolinha remarked, drawing both Arden's and Romina's gazes. "Our parents were arranged as well. Our dad's dad was a lawyer and so is our dad now. Our mother doesn't work."

"My mother doesn't work either," Daphne said, leading Pansy and Draco to say the same thing.

"What — so you're not going to work?" Romina raised an eyebrow at the girls. "None of you?"

Carolinha shrugged. "Dunno. Mom doesn't really mind it. I think a lot more families now are more modern."

Romina was progressively more horrified with what she heard, as was Arden.

"It's the dark ages," Arden whispered to Romina who hummed in agreement.

"It's normal for us," Draco said with a roll of his eyes. "Romina, you already know that."

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