Pureblood Lessons

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Trevor the frog ribbited along the school lake while his owner endlessly chased after him, failing to catch the frog as it continued hopping away.

Romina giggled and swiftly swiped Trevor off the grassy ground. "You just love running about, don't yah?" she cooed at the frog.

"And you just love picking up disgusting things, don't you?" Pansy Parkinson mimicked her tone from the side. She and Arden were in the middle of arguing but of course Pansy took a moment to throw that comment out.

Romina ignored her for the first couple of seconds. "Neville, you're going to have to let me take care of Trevor during the summer, please."

Neville was startled by the comment, mostly because he didn't think anyone - much less a girl - would ever think about seeing him during the summer vacation. "S-sure. A-anytime y-you want."

Romina beamed. She always wanted a pet of some sort but she was never allowed one. Not even a goldfish!

"Look at that fellas, Longbottom's all red because someone might actually like him in this school," Draco had made a stop with Crabbe and Goyle. He was close to laughing at Neville's clearly excited face from Romina's words.

"Oh sod off, Draco," Romina said calmly. "Go taunt someone else for today. Unless you want to meet Trevor up close."

The moment she took a step towards him with the frog in her hands, Draco backed two steps extra. "Oswell, you better get that slimy creature away from me."

A mischievous expression settled across her face just as Romina glanced back at Neville. "You came over..." she said innocently, making another advance for Draco. "Don't you want to touch him."

There was a look of fury in Draco's face that no eleven year old should have been able to conjure up. "Oswell, you'll regret it!"

Romina laughed, and behind her Neville was struggling to hide his own. "You know all about the trapdoor incident with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Do you really think I'm not capable of it?"

Because thanks to Fred and George, the entire school knew about Quirrell and Harry's face off for the Stone. Romina had withheld her boasting of proving right to the three Gryffindors only until Ron had been let go of the hospital wing. She was still waiting for Harry to wake up and point out how Snape wasn't behind anything at all. But beside that, the whole school knew about the three Gryffindors and one Slytherin going through deadly traps set by professors themselves. Needless to say they'd earned some fame, and for Romina some acceptance again.

"Sometimes I think you're not quite the Oswell society would think," Draco ended up saying, but whether it had been a compliment or an insult he wasn't sure. That startled him, but he didn't think on it further.

For Romina, it was the best thing anyone could have said to her. "Draco," she lowered the toad, "That's the kindest thing you've ever said to me. I'm shocked."

"I'm not playing that game," Draco unexpectedly snapped.

"I should give you a hug!"

"Go hug Angel!"

Romina still wouldn't stop smiling and when she opened her arms for a hug, Draco quickly stalked off, calling out to her afterwards about her 'overreacting'.

Romina laughed and turned to Neville, holding Trevor out for him. "I owe Trevor big time now."

Neville barely had time to smile when they heard Hermione calling out for Romina. The girl was running towards them at lightspeed, her face almost covered completely by her bushy hair. Romina handed Trevor to Neville quickly for fear of being tackled down by Hermione.

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