Romina's Bizarre Case

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Today was Potions class day and usually Romina didn't mind the subject, unlike Harry and just about every other student in the room. Today, however, was different. She absolutely hated it. She hated it the moment she begrudgingly sat down next to Draco. Why she became his partner this year, she would never understand.

Because Hermione fucking showed up late on the first day and Snape sent her to find a new partner. Romina felt like Hermione owed her some kind of payment for this ordeal.

Either way, it was all done and, unfortunately, permanent for the year. Neither she nor Draco had spoken to each other since yesterday when he kicked her out of the hospital wing. As it turned out, they were both equally stubborn. Their friends only wondered if they had realized that yet. Romina had gotten over her initial surprise, and embarrassment, about the scene and moved on to the next stage: anger. And the dire need of retribution.

Snape announced that they would be brewing a Shrinking Solution today. Each student was to turn in their own solution at the end of the class. Draco didn't wait even a minute before he made his "injury" known and told Snape he couldn't possibly cut up the ingredients on his own, not with his injured arm in a sling.

Romina rolled her eyes. She wasn't surprised when Snape told her to help him out. Who else would it be?

"Blaise is right there," she muttered to Draco when Snape turned away.

"Don't you fucking dare involve me in this," Blaise hissed at them from behind. He and Theodore were already working. "You want to keep playing mad, that's your business."

"Trust me, Blaise, I'm not playing," Romina said, then shot Draco a glare. "And I'm not cutting shit for you."

"I think you are if you plan on surviving this lesson. Unless you want to turn into Longbottom over there," Draco countered then made a nod towards Neville. Snape had already stopped by to tell him what he was doing wrong.

Romina did not want to become Neville, unfortunately. With another glare on Draco, she reached for his ingredients. She started cutting the roots.

Draco watched her like a hawk, and his smirk was just irking her. "Oswell, do I need to inform Snape you're practically mutilating my roots? What is that?"

"Go ahead. Whine."

"Or I can just take your roots."

"The fuck you will." Romina quickly reached for her roots and chopped them up as badly as she had with this. She might have even made hers worse than his.

Draco was shocked. His eyes had widened with disbelief. "You just — you just ruined yours!"

Romina looked up with a wide smirk. "Then I guess now we'll both fail. You want me to skin the shrivelfig too? Or the caterpillars?" She reached over for the shrivelfig on his side when he slammed his hand over hers.

"In your words: the fuck you will!"

Romina's smile tightened. "Glad you're getting the message." She tried pulling her hand out from under his but he pressed his hand harder over hers. "If you don't want that hand accidentally sliced, I suggest you lift it."

"Go ahead, you'll slice yours too." Draco's smirk was shortlived when Romina retaliated with her response.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't cry about it like you."

Before Draco could say anything — if he would, because Romina was sure he was furious and outwitted — they heard sniggering behind them. Quite in sync, they both looked back and saw Theodore was quietly laughing at them.

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