Chapter 4

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Quadritch stares at the girl, before shoving her aside and making her fall to the ground, Lo'ak, moving so she lands onto him, her back against her chest as he hugs her from behind tenderly stroking her injuries as he wraps his arms around her protectively, glaring at Quadritch as he moves to talk with the other Avatars.

"I'm sorry Yawntu."

He wraps his tail around her, tightly holding her as she groans. Ra'ona says nothing just sighs, turning her head to look at him slightly, Lo'ak, looking down at her, eyes full of emotion as he presses a kiss on her forehead.

"She's here Lo'ak, you heard her." Lo'ak goes to speak, just as Neytiri does the birdcall once again. A smile gracing Ra'ona's face as she pecks Lo'ak on the jaw and stands up, just in time for the Avatar who stood behind her to get shot in the chest, falling to the ground dead. 
Lo'ak jumps up, attacking the second avatar, Quadritch glances at the arrows, his heart beating faster in recognition before her grab's Ra'ona's arm and pulls her into his chest, gun against her head as he frantically searches his forest.


Ra'ona uses this opportunity, slowly moving her tail up to the back of Quadritch's head, slicing it quickly, cutting off his Que. Quadritch Screams, Ra'ona using this opportunity to run into the cover of the forest, Pulling Lo'ak alongside her. The gunfire in the background falling on def ears as Ra'ona catches up to Tuk, Picking her up and running further into the cover of vegetation.

The children gasp as Jake jumps down from a tree in front of them, inspecting Lo'ak, before moving to Tuk, concerned questions falling out of his mouth. Ra'ona grins slightly, as he looks up at her eyes widening as he grabs her face in his hands. Lo'ak's face darkens as he remembered how she was beaten. "Shit, your bleeding Ro-"

Ra'ona grins as she holds Tuk's hand, moving a hand to hold her father figure's hand. "I'm fine old man-" She stumbles slightly, letting out a cough spitting out blood. "WHOAH RO-"

Ra'ona's eyes roll back as she falls to the ground, Jake desperately grabbing her before she hits the ground, her eyes fluttering shut as she sees Neteyam running to her.

 . . . 

Jake lays Ra'ona onto the ground as Neteyam runs to his side, kneeling down beside the passed out girl, Jake turns and stares at lo'ak desperately for answers. "What happened, Whys she the only one-"

Lo'ak bit his lip, clenching his fist. "She killed two of the avatars and that bastard, he-"
Lo'ak stopped speaking as Jake stares at his daughter, picking her up quickly and turning to where the ikran were kept. "We need to get her to your grandmother quick."

Neytiri runs to join her family, eyes lighting up as she sees her youngest safe and sound. Tuk, who was crying turns and widens her eyes. "MOM! RONA-" She runs, tackling her mother into a hug as she cries, Neytiri pausing before looking to her husband in concern. "Ma Jake what-"

She drops her bow as she sees her daughter in her mates arms, running over to her with tears streaming down her face. "Rona-"
Jake shakes her off looking at her firmly. "We need to get her to Mo'at and quick."
She purses her lips and nods.

.. . . . .

Ra'ona groans as she leans her head against Neteyam's chest, her newly patched up wounds stinging as she walks, Neteyam sways her back and forth for comfort while little Tuk walks beside the two, passing Ra'ona fruit every few second and looking for compliments. The three of them stop outside the hut, where Neytiri and Jake were arguing loudly. Loak, also coming to stand beside Ra'ona, his face grim as he hears the conversation. Kiri joins the children, giving Ra'ona a tight hug as she sees her.

"He had our children. He had them under his Knife. He almost Killed Rona! You Saw her, That bastard beat her Neytiri! She's just a child!"

Ra'ona zones out the arguing, hugging Tuk close as she feels her eyes well up slightly, glancing over at Neteyam and Lo'ak. Neteyam purses his lips when he sees her face, Leaning over and pressing his lips onto her forehead his face pained. Lo'ak comes up and pull her in by her waist, resting his chin on her head.

. . . .

The Clan stood scattered among the tree of souls, Tarsem, the new Ole'yktan stood beside Jake as Mo'at places the chiefs cake upon his shoulders. The Omaticaya clan members watching sadly as their leader leaves his position. Tarsem roughly jabs in a tooth like dagger, quickly pulling it out as the whole clan winces as Jake does, His ears flat down as he turns to leave, walking down towards their ikran, with the rest of the family following behind.  

Tarsem calls out to the group, A bird call he had made with Ra'ona when she was younger. Ra'ona, sounding it back with a sad smile, a bird call that meant one thing.

'We shall meet again, my dear brother.'

Tarsem smiles at the girl, his heart aching like the rest of the clan.

 . . . . 

Kilvan screeched sadly as he flew above pandora, his eyes scanning the forests bellow, Ra'ona, smiled sullen, moving her hand to a pendant on her neck, A pendant the Mo'at had given her, A symbol of her home. She touched her ionar next, the stone she had woven into it, radiating a sense of the forest.

The family was quiet, Lo'ak, slept, his eyes hollowed slightly in exhaustion, leaning onto Ra'ona's back while his Ikran flew freely beside them. Tuk, moving from Neytiri's lap, onto Ra'ona's, also falling asleep soundly cuddling into her chest. Kilvan growled a little at the weight but eased when Ra'ona placed a piece of meat in her mouth.

Neteyam watches her intently, his heart beating at the way her hair moved in the wind, providing a sense of comfort after the sad day. Ra'ona notices his gaze, turning to him with a tired smile, making him stare even more, His ikran, turning his head to look up at his rider suggestively.

Ra'ona leans over to whisper to Neteyam. "We won't leave forever 'Teyam, Tarsem appointed you as the next Olo'yktan, We'll come home, we won't stay away forever."
Neteyam smiles down at the girl beside him as she pats his head Tuk stirs slightly, Ra'ona humming down at her so she sleeps soundly.

Neytiri and Jake look back at their children, Neytiri places a hand over her mouth to hold back tears while Jake looks forward face firm as he convinces himself that it was to save his family.

'A father protect. It's what gives him meaning. When life ends, Another begins.'

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