10. Change of Plans

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If anyone told the thirty-four-year-old that this would be his new normal, he would've laughed in their face. Uncontrollably, might he add before most likely shooting them in said face.

How he'd once gone from plowing a dozen pussies a week to wiping snot off small chubby faces that looked a little too eerily similar to his own, he still did not know.

It was a question that he asked himself daily, looking down at those matching honey-brown eyes sternly.

"I'm just going to talk to Uncle Osman for a bit in that big office, you're not going to wake Ayla up, right?"

Zeki blew air into his mouth, releasing a bored sounding raspberry. "Daddy, you said we would see a real pirate. Where is he!"

"He's running late. You just gotta have patience and go sit with Miss. Leila in the waiting area. Look, your brother's already winning all the gold stars today by showing me how good he is."

You heard correctly. They had resorted to awarding the demonic twins with gold stars every time they listened or were somewhat nice to their sister.

Right now, they both had one star each, although that was not by good behaviour. No, they had managed to steal a bunch of stickers from the sheet when he wasn't looking and half of the pack was gone.

The older man found them when he looked inside the stroller and spotted his sleeping toddler was a face full of gold stars.

Gesturing for the little terror to go and take a seat next to his brother, he did exactly that.

Emir watched as the boy went and purposely shoved his brother as hard as he could forcing him to pummel off the chair and onto the hard ground.

For most siblings that would've meant war but for his strange twins they snickered at it and started to laugh like true maniacs.

Leila shook her head, although he couldn't hear her, he guessed she was telling them to be kind to each other. They stopped immediately.

That made his lips twitch. They were little ladies boys, finding their nanny pretty enough to do as told.

He remembered them asking him how old they had to be before they were allowed to marry Miss. Leila, to which he had to tell them if they wanted to date then they needed to be at least making money and not scrounging off their parents - and of course, taller than a leprechaun.

They didn't quite understand their father's exchange and gave up on their whole dating venture pretty quickly after that.

Currently, girls were annoying and stinky in their eyes. It was perhaps the fault of their little sister who followed them around hopelessly, wanting to play.

For the different torture methods the boys put her through on a religious basis, he was surprised she was as chill and unbothered as she was. She only cried when she was tired or hangry.

All girls except Miss. Leila of course.

Walking into a secluded office space in the discreet building they planned to meet up in, the man spotted his trusted adviser and good friend already inside.

"She's still in the toilet?"

Osman nodded, causing him to let out a long sigh.

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