15. Second Guess

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"Leila, can I talk to you for a sec?"

The young nanny tore her attention onto the beautiful woman approaching her. The kids were too busy attempting to make slime to notice their mother, she gave the girl a look that said 'please' and it was enough for the two of them to leave together.

Passing by the many men who ducked their heads low upon seeing the boss' wife, she walked them into the little study room a few doors down. She turned around to lock it behind her, and then her question was directed straight at her.

"Has Mr. Reis ever mentioned a woman by the name of Ilayda to you?"

Immediately, the nanny's face wiped clean of all hesitation and she let out a nervous laugh. "N-No. Who is that?" She said, rather too quick for either of their liking.

Mishti's eyes tapered on hers until they were little slits. "Okay. How about I ask if she has been around the kids whilst I haven't been here?"

Another guilty look spread across her features and it was all the woman needed to let out an unamused scoff.

"Leila." She started to say gently, though there was nothing gentle about her words. "Oh, sweet, innocent little Leila. Now you see, I can tolerate honesty even if it's not what I want to hear, but what I don't tolerate is lies. You've seen my friendliness, I've been nothing but nice to you, haven't I?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Her lips curled, a devilish grin set in place. "And, so it would only be a shame if you had to see the reason why I was kept in solitary confinement for eight months straight. Right?"

Leila could do nothing but nod in fear, feeling the tension grow.

"So spill."

"I, uh, I was told I was not allowed to say anything otherwise, you, uh, you know. But she has been around the kids, though only twice, and I can assure you it was not for very long. It sounds ba-"

Swallowing back her raging anger inside, the woman heard what she needed to hear and held up a hand to dismiss her.

"Thank you, Leila. You can go now."

"Mrs, Reis, perhaps you should know that it isn't wha-"

"Unless you want me to do something irrational, I suggest you leave me alone right now, sweetheart."

That is exactly what she did.


The mission was going extremely well.

She had successfully gotten to meet the intimating Russian man a further two more times since their previous run-in, however, both times were heavily guarded and monitored.

She was getting closer and closer to getting him in a room alone, but she just needed a few more days.

It was pretty easy to tempt a man of his nature when all she needed to do was to be fierce and overtly sexual.

She could do both, no questions asked.

"We want to try for a baby, Doc." Mishti told the older man whom she wondered just how he had gotten to work under a criminal family. Surely, he wasn't picked from some random database.

There was no way, he must've had some kind of fucked up connection.

"She's gonna let me fuck her raw every night."

The on-site corrupt doctor let out a deep chuckle as the young woman before him didn't seem bothered by the additional comment.

Ignoring him, she purposely gave the doctor a hard look, saying calmly, "I would need to get my IUD out, but I don't know if it's worth it. Say, would you want to have a baby with a cheat?"

A cheat. Emir caught her expression in time, her words echoing throughout the room.

"A cheat? The fuck you talking about?"

She gave him a feigned grin. "You don't know? How about if I ask Ilayda. I mean that is her name, no?"

Emir looked at her, his face showing off nothing as the name slipped so easily out of her lips.

"You're going to tell me who Ilayda is first."

"That's why you've been extra pissy lately." He noted, figuring out the real reason for the doctor's visit, it was to corner him. "You think I'm cheating on you."

"Who's Ilayda?" She asked again, leaning back in the chair as her arms crossed over her chest.

"Stop being stupid." He said roughly, reaching over to grab ahold of her face. "You would be the first to know if I was sleeping around."

"Who is she." She wasn't asking, but rather demanding.

"Alright, yeah you're being fucking annoying." He directed his next words at the doctor, not taking his eyes off her face. "You can leave, Sean."

That was the hint the doctor needed to get out of there and he did, with great speed. No one wanted to be in the room when the couple were arguing.

"We have kids, Emir. How could you be such a reckless dick, you been texting her whilst you're in bed with me?! How long has this been going on?"

She was being melodramatic already, he thought.

"You don't think I know we have kids? That's why the doctor is here, so I can have more fucking kids with you." He snapped, looking down at her. "Stop that shit."

He could barely believe her, incapable of taking her seriously.

When he leaned in for a kiss, she scoffed. "Don't you dare touch me."

"Mishti." He grunted as she slammed a hand roughly against his chest, forcing him to back up. "Are you being fucking serious?"

When she refused to respond, he let out a frustrated string of foreign curse words before he was shoving his hand into his pocket and retrieved his phone.

He was going to show her just how stupid she was acting.

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