Part Thirty-Six

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Twelve hours.

How had twelve hours passed already?

Adrian squeezed more than cradled his head in his hands. 

This waiting room was strategically designed to be soothing. Blocked from the urgency of the rooms beyond and decorated with sofas that were made to be easy to unfold into individual beds - compact and easy to clean - his father wanted to give patients' families a sanctuary to cling to while they waited to find out the fate of their loved ones. 

Aiden was asleep on one of the sofas now. He had thrown a tantrum when, after around the third hour of waiting, CJ had tried to coax him into coming home with her.

"I have to wait for Mommy," he'd said. 

Adrian didn't blame him.

 At first glance, it seemed like she'd simply fallen down the stairs. He almost didn't notice the front door. Pulled to, but not closed completely. 

When the police arrived, they asked Aiden if he had opened the door. He seemed too nervous to speak, but shook his head no.

Did he see anyone come inside the house? No.

Did he hear Miss Shelly talking to anyone? A nod. Yes.

Did he hear anyone talking to her? Yes.

Adrian pinched the bridge of his nose. Closing his eyes was dangerous. The image he saw in his mind might be her on the beach, her hair lifting in the breeze and her own eyes peering up at him. Or it could be her hair, thick with blood. It could be the sight of Aiden crying because "Mommy's sleeping in the floor."

That kid was going to need a lot of therapy for a long time because of this.

Weren't they all?

Kid's grandmother had appeared not long after they did. She was listed as Kid's emergency contact. She and Aiden had made fast friends, despite the circumstances.

Between the three of them, they were in it for the long haul. The only exception was that Kid's grandmother had been allowed to stay with her in her room overnight. 

He stood, stretching his shoulders, and began pacing. He had spent most of the night pacing.

The charge nurse came out, stopping to give him a professional, but bright smile. "Mister Lawson, she's awake."

He found himself swallowing. He sucked in a breath of air. Had he really been breathing all night? "Thank you." His voice was small.

Kid's grandmother came out, her smile wide and eyes misty, to sit with Aiden while Adrian went to see her. He forced himself not to run down the hall. He waited patiently to be pointed in the direction of her room.

He held himself back when he saw her. He didn't allow himself to throw his arms around her, wouldn't risk hurting her. He resisted the urge to crush his mouth to hers, hating that despite how much he desperately wanted it, he couldn't take her pain away in an instant.

"Hi," she said. She looked exhausted, scared, beautiul.

He reached a hand up, gently touching her cheek. "Kid."

"Gramma said Aiden is okay. He's out there in the waiting room?"

He nodded. "How are you..."

She picked a hand up, giving a halfhearted wave. "Fine. I'm fine. Well." Her eyes closed as she dropped her hand. "Actually everything hurts. A lot. But I'm fine."

"I'm so sorry, Kid."

"Mister Lawson-"

He cut her off. "Adrian. Please. Please?"

She nodded. "Adrian."

He pressed his hand closer to her cheek.

"I knew he was lying. Even if I didn't know why... I should've known I didn't have my phone on silent."

He framed her face with both hands now. "Who was lying, Kid?" He swallowed. "Who did this to you?"

Her eyes fluttered. "Would you believe me if I told you?"

"Of course. Of course I would." He leaned closer to her. "Please tell me what happened, Kid."

"Peter." She swallowed. "Smith. He said you'd been in an accident. He said you needed me to bring you things from the house. I tripped. Or maybe I didn't. But then, I felt... hands. On my back."

He forced himself to release her, forced himself to back away from her as her words struck him. Peter? 

He had left, had stormed out of the building almost the instant Adrian had revealed his actions. But how could he - he had no idea Peter would be willing to do this?!

"Adrian?" Her voice, small and full of concern, ripped his attention back to her. Her eyes had filled with tears. "Just for a minute. I'm sorry - could you-" Her arms had begun lifting to him.

He forced himself not to focus on his seething anger while she collapsed into sobs as he held her.

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