Part Three

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"I just don't understand why he doesn't seem to care about anyone's time but his own." Kid sipped on her coffee and pulled her house slipper-covered feet up onto the chair in a criss-cross way.

"Are you going to play a word, or are you going to sit there and grumble?" Kid's grandmother asked her good-naturedly.

Kid looked up at her with an apologetic smile.
She looked down again at her pitiful line of Scrabble game tiles and grimaced. This didn't look like it was going to end well. Finally, after several moments of careful deliberation, Kid sighed and placed her "ED" at the end of her grandmother's simple word, "HOOK."

"I'm surprised at you, Kitty. Your game is terribly off." She also used her word to connect to, smirking as she spelled out "HABANERO," and hitting a triple word score in the process.

"Hey, don't blame me. Blame these tiles." Kid frowned and arranged her remaining three tiles on her game piece. The game was beginning its draw to a very dismal close.

"Is he cute?"

"Of course he is. He's four and he hasn't had a chance to soak up his father's bad attitude yet."

"Well, obviously the boy is cute. I'm talking about the walking attitude problem."

Kid was appalled. "Adrian Lawson? CUTE!? He doesn't even begin to come close to the word." His image popped up in her mind: his steely eyes slanted down at her and a deep crease between his eyebrows.  "Cute. Please!"

Her grandmother smirked while still managing to maintain an innocent composure. "Well, he sure has you worked up."

"You know, Gramma, he is threatening to make me lose my job, after all." Kid reached for her coffee once more. "Okay, I give. I can't make another word out of this.

"I don't believe it. The Kid Shelley, the infamous, 'I don't win at Scrabble, I dominate it' Kid Shelley just lost to me? For the first time since she was a little girl." She sighed contentedly and took a sip from her own mug of coffee.  "What goes around comes around, so they say."

Kit smiled at her. "Alright. One more round. We'll see who's gloating then."

"Bring it on, my dear."

They reset the game board and dumped all the pieces back into their bag in silence, not speaking again until they both had full tile racks.

"Losing at Scrabble... He must be very cute."


Heyyyy! So, the Grandma character is based on my own Gramma (but really, isn't she just like almost all grandmothers?) I hope you're enjoying the story thus far!


Update 09.04.19:

Some minor editing. Thank you for reading!

Update 09.11.19:

Grammar editing. Thank you for reading!

The Kid, the Boss, and the Incorrigible NannyWhere stories live. Discover now