Part Two

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"Kid, sit down." Telulah sighed as she sat in her rolling chair and closed the door to the office. The bustle of the daycare faded to a thrum.

Kid did as she was told, her throat tightening In the "I just got called into the principal's office and I don't know what I did but I sure hope I'm not getting expelled" kind of way. "What did you want to see me about, ma'am?"

"It's about Mister Lawson."

The knot in her throat dropped, turning into bricks as they hit her stomach. Uh oh.

Telulah continued. "He stopped by the desk after dropping Aiden off this morning and told me that he received rude and unprofessional treatment from Aiden's teacher yesterday afternoon. Are you aware that Mister Lawson's contributions to this daycare are approximately 60% of what keeps us afloat?"

Kid's jaw dropped. Adrian Lawson? A donor to the Daycare? A contributor to not only her students well being, but her own paycheck?

"I- I didn't know."

Telulah looked at her mournfully. "He is. And, Kid, you have to know. He insisted that you change your tone towards him. He said that, and I'm quoting here, 'we shouldn't allow the people we put in charge of our children to talk to us in such a rude and unpleasant  manner.' He said he wants you to change your attitude, or he wants you fired."


"Yes. Now, I know you. I know you're a kind and respectful person, and I'm willing to believe the best of you in this situation. But Kid, we can't afford for you to be getting on his bad side. This is serious. If Adrian Lawson gives me another complaint about you, I'm afraid I won't have any choice but to let you go."

Was the room spinning? Let me go. He was that heartless, that he would have her fired because she asked him to show up on time? And Telulah was right; she wouldn't be able to do anything about it. If he was a major contributor to the daycare, he could have whatever we wanted. That jerk. Kid couldn't afford to be out of a job. She had bills to pay!

"Kid. What are you thinking?"

Nothing she could say out loud. After a pause, she was able to answer her with only the slightest hint of aggravation. "I understand. I'll be nice."

Great. Now she felt like one of the kids at the daycare: "I'll be good, Mrs. Lulah."

"Thank you."


It was a quarter after six. SpongeBob was on, and little Aiden and Kid were in their usual spot on the rug. Kid furiously glared at the clock on the wall, mentally trying to make it magically speed up so Adrian Lawson would come zipping in the room. She had plans with her grandmother that evening, and she was going to be late. The problem, of course, wasn't Aiden. No, it was him.

SpongeBob and Patrick were in a clubhouse high off the sea bottom, and Squidward was yelling up at them from below.

"This is what you're showing to the children when their parents are paying you to give them quality care?"

Aiden and Kid both turned at the voice at the same time. The boy's father was leaning up against the door frame with a disapproving scowl on his face. Aiden, oblivious to his father's attitude, pushed himself up off of Kid's lap and glided over to the man. Kid suddenly felt very small down there on the floor. She scrambled to her feet as fast as she could, and once up, she met a steely gaze.

"Well? Are you going to answer me?"

Oh, she would answer him, alright. She would answer him with a long-overdue stomp on the toes. But no, she had to think of her job. The kids. She couldn't lose her cool over this one ridiculous, puffed up man. Don't pick a fight you can't win, Kid.

"I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Lawson. I'll make sure there are more... appropriate selections in the future." Kit, although admittedly a little intimidated, met his gaze head-on.

He sneered at her. "I hope you will. Because if you don't, I might have to request that another teacher be over Aiden's class. Do I make myself clear?"

As clear as a pink slip. "Of course, Mr. Lawson."

"Excellent." He turned to go out the door, but Aiden raced back over to where Kid stood. He reached out his arms and she bent down to meet his little boy hug.

"Bye-bye, Miss Kid. I wuv."

Kid, astonished at his word usage, and at the love so sweetly given, forgot her nemesis for the moment. "I love you too, Aiden. You have a good weekend, okay?" The little boy nodded and ran back over to his father, who was looking at Kid with a strange expression. Feeling victorious for some unknown reason, Kid lifted her head up high and smiled at the man.

"I'll see you Monday, Mr. Lawson."

He didn't respond — she hadn't expected him to — but his eyebrows drew together in a deep frown before he turned away.


Hello, wonderful readers! I hope you liked this second chapter! Please feel free to comment/suggest edits as we go! Love!


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