Part Sixteen

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"You want me to go where?"

"California. It's for four days. Everyone on the board and their families are invited to go, which means that there will be other nannies present as well."

California. Kid let out a slow whistle.

They were sitting opposite each other at the kitchenette, drinking coffee. Until now, they'd been discussing Aiden's schedule for the week (which was a nice improvement on the strict list he'd left her when she'd first started working for him). But now, Adrian was asking her to travel with them halfway across the country. I've never been to California before.

He smiled at her. "You'll love it. The resort is right on the beach. You and Aiden will have plenty of free time to do whatever you want."

She hadn't realized she'd said it out loud, but she didn't have time to be embarrassed about it. A resort on the beach in California. Was she dreaming?

"When do we leave?"


"Wow, to California!" CJ practically spit out her mouthful of smoothie.

Kid clapped her hands together eagerly, almost the way she'd seen some of the little children at the daycare. "I know! Apparently the resort is on the coast."

Nearby, a shriek of laughter erupted from the play area. CJ rolled her eyes.

"Sam! Volume!"

A small head popped over the top of a large plastic tree. "Sorry, Mommy," the child called before promptly dropping back out of their line of sight.

"It's wonderful that he's taking you. I almost can't believe it."

Kid's face had felt like it was stuck in a permanent smile ever since she'd heard the news. "I know. I've never seen the beach before."

A faint line appeared between CJ's perfectly shaped eyebrows. "You've never been?"

"Nope. I guess it's just something that I never really made plans for. But now I'm getting to go as part of my job. Aiden and I are going to have so much fun."

The other woman chewed her bottom lip for a moment. "So. does this mean that things are getting better with Adrian?"

An unbidden image appeared in her mind: Adrian glowering at her with that trademark scowl on his face. The memory of the day he had her fired brought up a sour feeling in her stomach. Surprisingly, the feeling faded, and the image in her mind was replaced by another one entirely: one where he was smiling at her. They had come a long way in their short time together. By some miracle... things seemed to be changing.

She realized how long it was taking her to respond. "Well... we haven't killed each other. So that's probably a good sign."

"Ah. I see." A look passed her friend's face that Kid didn't quite understand. "Maybe California can help in that department."

As soon as it happened, Kid could tell that CJ hadn't meant to say that out loud.

"In what department?" She asked.

Her friend floundered, muttering something she couldn't hear.

"You don't mean... like the dating department?" She groaned as reality hit her. "CJ, I told you. It isn't like that." Matt's face appeared in her mind as she said it, and along with it came butterflies. "In fact, I think I've met someone."

"Oh, really!"

Kid smiled, relieved to feel the conversation shift away from her moody and confusing employer. The feeling was immediately replaced with anxiousness. She hadn't really meant to share that with anyone yet.

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