Part Nine

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**DISCLAIMER: There is mention of yoga as a physical exercise in this chapter. I hope this does not offend anyone and I will go into more detail at the end of the chapter about my reasons for using it. Thank you!**

Since Kid had some time to herself, she decided to explore the grounds for a bit before it was time to wake Aiden. It turned out that two hours wasn't going to be enough for a true expedition. There was simply too much to see.

She felt a little like Elizabeth Bennet discovering Pemberly as she walked around what could only be described as an estate. The sights were stunning and beautiful in the dim glow of early morning. from the gardens to the greenhouse, to the massive swimming pool and the classy stone paths marking the way, the Lawson estate was beautiful enough to inspire its own classic novel. Kid was no writer, but as she sat with her feet in the swimming pool watching the sunrise, she wished she knew the words to write that could describe the moment. It was serene and calm.

In the same moment, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her boss. He worked so much; it seemed unrealistic that he should be able to enjoy this paradise he called home. Although to think about it, he didn't seem like the type of person to care much about taking in his surroundings.

I shouldn't think that, she thought. After all, I barely know him.

But really, who was Adrian Lawson underneath all that attitude?


Waking Aiden up had proven to be just as difficult as getting him to eat a vegetable. It took ten minutes of trying new tactics — everything from gently patting his hand to flipping the lights on and playing loud music — before she finally scooped him up and carried him down to the kitchenette. It was only when his little bottom landed in a chair that he blinked open his puffy eyes.

"Well good morning, mister." Kid huffed as she stretched her back. He was heavier than he looked. "Can I interest you in some oatmeal?"

He looked at her, lost for a moment. Finally, he nodded. Someone was not a morning person.

She decided she'd let him reach full consciousness on his own terms. She plopped his oatmeal down in front of him — the dinosaur kind — and gave him his cup of milk, then sat with a coffee to examine his predetermined schedule for the day.

"Wow, this thing is detailed." She pored over it.

7:30 — Wake up & eat breakfast.

Kid checked the time on her phone: 7:50. "Well, looks like we're good on time so far."

She continued reading the list:

8:00 to 10:00 — Educational activities. (to be outlined in his class materials)

10:00 — Mid-morning snack. (fruit recommended)

10:15 to 11:30 — Extracurricular activities. (Music and physical activity acceptable)

12:00 to 12:30 — Lunch. (attempt a vegetable)

She couldn't help but laugh at that one. Apparently not even his own father could get Aiden to eat healthy foods.

12:30 to 1:00 — Fine motor activities.

1:00 to 2:00 — Nap.

2:00 to 3:00 — Gross motor activities.

3:00 to 4:00 — Educational activities.

4:00 to 4:30 — Reading time.

5:30 to 6:30 — Extracurricular activities.

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