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Snow fell lazily onto a frost-tipped ground. The earth was ready; they'd been waiting for this all day.

It was the last day of the year — and the first New Year's Eve the newly larger Lawson family would be spending together under one roof. Friends were to be included.

Adrian was roasting a chicken (with herbs and preparations from an old family recipe), CJ was trying out a new take on Mac n' cheese, and John had promised life-changing elote. Kid had made a chocolate pie, chocolate-covered pomegranate seeds, and chocolate chip cookies. She hadn't realized she was craving chocolate so strongly until she'd placed each item on the counter.

She popped a bite of chocolate and pomegranate in her mouth and leaned against the counter. From a nearby room, she could hear Adrian and John debating the wisdom of marinating some meat or other in ghost pepper sauce. Apparently, company holiday potlucks had become a way for people to test each other's heat tolerance.

It was going to be a long, cold few days. The weather forecast foretold icy roads and news anchors offered safety tips for travel. They'd thrown in a few tips for building the best snow forts for good measure.

Thunderous — yet small — footsteps tore down the hallway and toward the back door.

"Stay where I can see you!" CJ's shout fell on what Kid presumed to be unheeding ears.

Kid chuckled. Sam and Aiden had each been so disappointed when they'd woken up without snow on Christmas; she was glad they'd have it now.

She watched a thick white flake as it made its lazy way to the ground.

The weather would delay the daycare reopening after the holidays, but she didn't mind it. She was rather looking forward to spending time with her favorite kiddo. She had only one or two memories of playing in the snow with her mother and drinking hot chocolate after. It would be wonderful to make new ones.

She had a soft spot in her for a snow day.

"You're quiet in here." A deep voice rumbled in her ear, and Adrian's arms wrapped around her from behind. He tucked his nose into the nape of her neck. His warm breath grazed her briefly, sending chills down her spine that melted and broiled when he placed his lips on her sensitive skin.

"That's because I'm trying to eat all the snacks before anyone else gets a chance to." She met his eyes, her stomach flipping when they darkened. He dropped a kiss on her lips before pulling back.

"Well, if you're full by dinner, that's just going to mean more food for me."

"Alright, that's enough canoodling. You have an audience." CJ's voice came from nearby. They separated, flinching like sixteen year olds who had been caught out after curfew. CJ smirked at them.

"I've been around for enough of you and John. I've earned this, surely," Adrian said.

Footsteps bounded up the stairs.

"Are they back inside already?" Kid asked.

CJ shrugged. "Aiden wanted to grab another coat."

The footsteps thundered near once again as Aiden and Sam raced back outside.

"John?" CJ called.

"I'll keeping an eye on them," he responded.

Kid offered a tray of cookies to CJ, who took two. "There's not much on the ground yet. They know it's going to take a while, right?"

Her friend shrugged. "That's what I said, too." She took a large bite from a cookie before she disappeared out the door and down the hall toward the living room.

The Kid, the Boss, and the Incorrigible NannyWhere stories live. Discover now