Part Five

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Adrian cursed under his breath and lit a cigarette. It had been just three days since he'd blown up at Aiden's teacher. That was three whole days of not having to see that judgemental look on her face.

And it was three whole days of not hearing Aiden say a word.

Not. A. Word.

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Okay, so it wasn't her fault that he had to work late every day. It was increasingly unfortunate that he was working later and later all the time. Adrian was always in a bad mood when he finally got away in the evenings, and he realized that Kid Shelley was the one who'd suffered for it.

A pang of guilt hit him in the chest. His mother would be incredulous at his behavior. That woman was out of a job now because of him. Not only that, but, with her gone, Adrian was beginning to realize how much of an impact Kid had had on Aiden. The kid had gotten around to smiling and talking a lot more before she was booted out of his life.

His phone alarm went off in his pocket. His smoke break was up. His seven a.m. smoke break, that was. He sighed bitterly. He worked ridiculously long hours Monday through Friday. Sometimes he was even called in on the weekends. He just couldn't be around for Aiden as much as he wanted to be. That was why he'd enrolled him in that daycare.  And that was another thing. He couldn't keep taking advantage of the daycare like that. What he needed for Aiden was a full time caretaker.

And suddenly it all clicked.


Kid lay, clothed in just a tank top and sweats, covered in chocolate wrappers and surrounded by a mountain of tissues on her couch. An episode of "The Office" was playing on the television. She had been there for most of the past three days.

Her phone rang for the fourth time that morning. She lifted her head to check the screen, and seeing that it was her grandmother, rested her head back on the pillow. She knew she would have to face adulthood and tell her grandmother about her being fired eventually. For now, though, she'd let the problem go to voicemail.

It didn't work. In just moments after the ringing stopped, it started up again. Heaving a sigh, Kid slid the little green circle on the screen.


"Kid?  What took you so long to answer? Did you know that work has been calling you?"

That was news. The daycare had been trying to reach her?

"I had no idea."

"Well, they called me as your emergency contact. They said that Mr. Lawson needs to meet with you this afternoon. I don't understand, sweetheart. Why aren't you at work?"

She groaned, pushing herself to a seat. Adrian Lawson needed to meet with her? For what? To chew her out some more?


"Um... it's kind of a long story, Gramma. Could I call you back later and explain it to you? I think right now I might need to make sure I'm okay at work."

"Sure, sweetie. Call whenever you can."

Kid smiled at that. Her grandmother was always such a sweetheart. "Yes ma'am."

"Talk to you later, Sweets."

"Bye, Gram." Kid ended the call and went to her missed calls list. There were three from the daycare, starting back at eight this morning. It was about noon now. She tapped on the number and the phone immediately started ringing for the other line. It wasn't long before Telulah answered.


"Hello, Miss Telulah. It's me, Kid."

Relief flooded the other woman's voice. "Oh, Kid. I'm so glad you called back. Can you be here in thirty minutes?"

The Kid, the Boss, and the Incorrigible NannyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora