Certified Lover Girl

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Beyoncé's P.O.V

I walked into Onika's house. It was about eleven in the morning. I haven't been here in like a week. I've been spending so much time with Y/N.

But today she was hanging out with Rome and Travis. She didn't say what they're going to do but I didn't really question it. I just let it be.

"Thought you would never come back." Onika said.

"Why would you think that?" I asked confused.

"You started messing around with Y/N and began acting different. I've seen your Snapchat stories. You've replaced me with her sister. You ditched all of us at the club. When's the last time you even texted us in the group chat?" She said.

"I'm not acting different and I didn't replace you. We've been best friends since I was ten years old so make it make sense. I didn't ditch y'all either. I made sure that the three of you were okay and good before I left. I'm sorry Nic but I have my own life to live." I reply.

"You know your life was once my life. Don't let Y/N trick you with the fancy clothes and jewelry. You're most likely not even the only one on her radar." Onika responded.

"And what that fuck is that supposed to mean? Ever since I got with her you've been the one acting different towards me yet I'm the one changing. That doesn't add up." I say.

"You know what Beyonce, let me tell you something. She's never going to tell you. I was with Y/N first. Just like you I started working for her and then it became more than that. We got on this serious level with each other and she made all these promises but they were lies."

"I wasn't the only one that she was messing with. Remember that Cardi girl that I couldn't stand? Yeah, I found out Y/N was with her too. I also found out that's who she is and she'll never change. So why you're feeling all great about her just remember that she's making someone else feel the same way." Onika said.

This was too much information to process at once. My best friend was with Y/N and never told me. Y/N was never going to tell me. I don't even know how to feel right now.

But it makes me think. Ever since that day Y/N came back from the mall, she's been getting all type of texts throughout the night. I just never thought to question it considering she has business to run. I figured it could've been that.

Thinking about her with another woman don't sit right with me. And while we're not officially together, I still don't want be looking stupid out here. I'm not built to handle these type of feelings. Onika's a strong woman she can do it but I can't.

I wanted her to admit her feelings first but who's to say that she even has any. I'm just gonna have to take one for the team and confess mine. Otherwise we ain't getting anywhere.

I sighed at these unwanted thoughts that were about to form in my head. "Why didn't you just tell me Nic? I would've understood."

"Because you were so geeked about her and you still are. Besides that day she came over here told me everything. The way she looked at you was different. She ain't never look at me like that. You got the sauce Bey. And Y/N's really not that bad, she just has commitment issues. Besides Cardi, that's why we didn't work out." Onika replied.

"Look if it bothers you that I'm with hervthen I'll call it off."

"No." She said quickly. "If she makes you happy then do you. At the end of the day you're my best friend and your happiness is important to me. Your life shouldn't revolve around me or my feelings." 

"So we're good?" I asked more confused since this conversation started.

"We're always good. But I will fuck Y/N up if she ever plays with you." She said.

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