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(play "chrysalis" by dianna lopez)

It only took about three days before Neteyam was up and could fully move around again, although his chest and arm were somewhat sore, he didn't mind as it felt like normal muscle soreness. In his spare time, he now brought all of his attention to Kireyi, her voice had somewhat come back- the bruises on her neck gone, but her leg suffered still. She still wasn't allowed to walk around, as flesh still exposed itself. Her mother felt it would be another day or two before her skin covered it's open wound, until then she had regular treatment. Neteyam was thankful to see that despite her leg, Kireyi had been healing healthily. 

The two could hear the waves from outside, and the birds flying around. Kireyi sat against Neteyam, resting her head along his shoulder. Her head filled with worries of her ceremony, and the past few days- it had surprised the girl how peacefully she's accepted Eleu's death. Yes, she couldn't believe that her sister was gone, and it filled her with much pain, but how was she to feel her sister's soul when holding such anger? Eleu was never an angry soul, and Kireyi had failed to recognize that when she first grieved, ever since she saw that, she herself filled with a new feeling. It was as if Eleu was slowly coming back to the girl. 

"What is it?" Neteyam whispered, realizing she had dozed off into her own thoughts.

"The ceremony," Her voice was quiet, if she talked loud Kireyi's voice would give out on her as she was still healing.

"Hm.... are you scared?"

She tensed, sighing in defeat, "Yes...."

Neteyam's tail curled around the girl's waist, "Talk to me, why?" Kireyi huffed, too many worries filling her head at once, moving away from the boy his tail stayed near her body, as a sense of comfort, "Reyi...."

Her eyes met his, frustration seeping through her eyes, she looked down with a quiet defeat, "I am- I want it to be perfect. And what if I do not connect with Eywa and Eleu how I need to? If I fail this-" She shut her mouth, tears threatening to fall. She had been so stressed about it all when she should be feeling the opposite. Not long ago she was excited to start her first few ceremonies, that was until it was meant for her spirit sister.

"Reyi...." Her name came out with a gentle hum as the boy cooed her name. Her eyes met Neteyam's in desperation, he hadn't moved, using his eyes to calm the girl. 

"I'm sorry...."

Now he moved closer, "There is no need to be sorry, it is alright to be stressed. You will do well, I know it."

"That is what everyone says.... it's the same response every time and I just need something- some type of guide," Kireyi's nose scrunched as she talked, and Neteyam noticed- it being her sign of distaste. It wasn't often for her to ramble on like this, they both knew when she did, it was something that really ate her up.

"We say it because we mean it, you've told me about your connection with the water, how you feel its emotions as your own. You are always telling me to trust it, that it will accept me, now it is your turn," His voice was smooth, steady. It gave Kireyi a sense of stability calming her emotions.

She thought about his words for a second, realizing he was right. Her parents didn't guide her because they couldn't. Explaining it wouldn't help anything if she hadn't put trust in herself, in the water. She silenced, looking down to her hands, and Neteyam gently lifted one into his own, cooing her name as if it was the sweetest thing he could ever say, "Kireyi." The girl melted at his voice, his touch.

Her eyes met his again, reserve taking over now, "You are right."

"What else is on your mind?" Kireyi tensed at the question, not fond of how he read her like an open book.

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