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"Can you believe he was really kicked out?" Lo'ak exclaimed.

"Well yeah, he's been giving us shit since we showed up," Kiri shrugged not really caring. The three silenced as Spider walked into the Pod, it was dinner now and the group was woken only a few minutes ago by their mothers. News traveled back to the main beach that Itewa could no longer train as a warrior, and if his friends kept it up they'd lose their chance too.

"What happened?" Spider attempted to speak to the three, lately he was lucky to receive a small sentence back.

"Nothing," Kiri muttered looking away.

The boy sighed, his eyes trailing to his hands, "Sorry." Silence filled the Pod once more, and Neteyam's hand brushed Kiri's arm to comfort her. As Spider stood there his emotions rose, the boy had been keeping them in so much lately stuck on trying to prove himself to the Sullys. Tears welted and he cried, "I'm so sorry.... to all of you. I don't know how to fix this- to make up for it. I know we may never be the same but please, just give me some direction."

It was obvious his words were genuine, his chest heaving as he cried, "Direction? We don't want to see you after what you did-" Kiri snapped.

Neteyam and Lo'ak's ears lowered, like they were the ones being scolded, "I'm sorry...." Spider restated.

There was no sound other than the waves outside of the pod, and the sniffling from the young human. It was almost a month passed and he had gotten nowhere.

Neteyam watched Lo'ak shuffle, "Why did you do it?" The boy's voice was filled with uncertainty, Neteyam now comforted his brother too.

Spider seemed to have an answer unlike when his "secret" was first revealed, "I felt it was right and in the moment, he treated me like his son and I let that get to me. But I was wrong in my decision, and I should have never done it," His eyes filled with desperation, plead for his family to listen to him.


"Kiri.... let him finish," Neteyam softly spoke, and she huffed out in displeasure.

"I'd do anything to be with you all again, I would give my life." And it was the truth, though Spider at first felt that saving Quaritch was like a trade, a life for a life. The more the boy thought about it the more wrong he felt to be, Quaritch hadn't saved Kiri because of Spider's wishes. He let the girl for Spider, but what about all those other people? What about when he thoughtlessly threatened not just Kiri's, but the whole family's lives just for revenge? Spider had come to see he was not a good man- a good father, just for saving him. Because when it all came down to it, the man still threatened their lives. And that is what brought Spider to the conclusion he was wrong, not the guilt- or the pain of his true family not wanting him anymore; but the plain facts of the situation.

"Just please.... lead me in a way I can prove myself to you all, I don't know what to do anymore."

Kiri stayed quiet, fighting back tears, Neteyam pushed the girl behind him as she hugged his arm. Lo'ak still sat in his same position, no emotions shown. It was obvious to Neteyam he was trying to process it all, "Could you give us a few," Neteyam looked to Spider, the human boy nodding. He started to walk out but paused as Neteyam called out, "Spider?"


"Time.... just give us some time for now," The young boy looked to Neteyam, gratitude filling his face. He treaded out of the pod allowing them some time together. Neteyam already came to peace, speaking to Kireyi about the situation really helped him; now it was time for his siblings to make a choice. Despite their words of not wanting to see Spider anymore, their actions were different. He'd notice the way they would silently keep an eye out for the boy, and he knew they wanted some reason to forgive him. Neteyam hoped getting to hear Spider's side would give them closure, whether they chose to forgive the boy or not was up to them. And he'd support whatever decision the two made.

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