new life

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(play "come home o'shawn" you can replay if you'd like)

Birth ceremonies took place at the very start of mornings. This is when the people would welcome the child as their own, a true Metkayina. They then eat a feast, and when eclipse comes, Tsahik takes the child and it's family to the Spirit tree, where the baby takes it's first dive and connects to the tree. Kireyi had been up most of the night, preparing the feast with other mother's and women in the clan, Neytiri and her mother also joined. Though the Sullys hadn't become Metkayina yet, Ronal allowed them to attend these ceremonies as if they already were- to experience the Metkayina customs. She knew the family was close to gaining their rights of passage, though they themselves hadn't known that yet. 

Everything was bright and lively in preparation of the new member. Sometimes these ceremonies were held for many mothers and their children, today it was only for Na'alia. No clouds were in the sky, and the air was cool- fresh even. Many if not all of the Metkayina gathered in their biggest cove, high rock walls surrounded it with an open top, allowing for light to shine in. Kireyi stayed back with Na'alia, helping the mother get ready in traditional wear. She wore bright blue's and tan's, signifying joy and unity. Kireyi wore similar colors, leaving her hair down to show the beads and shells Neteyam had braided into her hair. She heard the signal of the people arriving at the cove, the trip only being a few minutes over, and she finished getting Na'alia ready.

Na'alia's mate, Vufey, held their daughter on one of the Ilu, allowing his wife and Kireyi to ride together. When the four arrived, the Metkayina made a clearing for their training Tsahik and the new family to enter. The four had floated in the middle now, and the two parents each held their daughter out to Kireyi. The young girl took out traditional paint, using two of her fingers to add designs to the child's face, chest, and arms. She then motioned for the parents to hold their daughter high for everyone to see.

"We gather to welcome and honor new life, new breath in Eywa's spirit. Within our home, and our waters, we welcome a young girl, daughter of Na'alia and Vufey," Kireyi looked to the father, nodding in signal for him to reveal the child's name.

"Kehi!" The man looked towards his wife, then to his newly born- love and compassion filling his face. The clan repeated the young girl's name, and once Kireyi connected her hands to the baby's shoulders, the clan joined. Creating a woven like chain of connection, it was believed to circle energy through each and every one of them, bringing complete harmony and unity. Song filled the air for a few minutes, and small gusts of wind brushed past the clans bodies through the air and water. They finally ended the song, disconnecting themselves, and the family led them back to shore where the feast would be held. Na'alia and Vufey said their farewells to Kireyi for now, praising the girl for her work.

"You will make a great Tsahik young one," Na'alia ran her fingers over Kireyi's hair and she smiled.

"And you a great mother," The two laughed with each other before parting, and Kireyi quickly found her parents.

"How did I do?" Her eyes shined in anticipation, and her mother's response filled her with joy.

"Amazing Ma Reyi, you continue to thrive."

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder, "You have worked hard my girl, go eat and rest," He softly urged her to take the time for herself, and she listened, venturing off to the food.

As she made way through the crowd she spotted Neteyam, hurrying to grab food she snuck up to the boy, "Teyam...." 

He turned, easing that it was her. Yet before he could speak she took his hand, taking him to a secluded area with her, "Where are we going?"

Kireyi giggled, still advancing forward, "Just come on!" It wasn't long before the girl sat down, the two weren't far from the clan, but just enough for some privacy. Her eyes trailed to the boy's hair, newly braided with beads she hadn't seen before. She tried to be sneaky about it, but as she ate her eyes lingered a second too long.

"What is it?" Neteyam's eyes found her own, and Kireyi looked down in embarrassment.

"It is nothing." She looked down to her food, eating in silence. After a few minutes more, she couldn't help but look back up, and Neteyam laughed as she did.

"It's my hair! Isn't it?" He continued laughing and the girl hit him.

"So what if it is.... skxawng," Kireyi could feel as her cheeks warmed, and no longer wanted to look at the boy.

"Reyi.... look at me," He teased, yet she didn't, eyes stuck to her hands, "Come on, please?"

She could feel as he moved closer, his finger brushing her chin as he made her look up. Though hesitant, she listened, meeting his eyes. Neteyam was close, and her breath hitched at the distance. His fingers gingerly traced the skin along her jawline and neck, the boy's voice coming out as a whisper, "You did amazing today, I never got to tell you that."

"Thank you...." She spoke so quiet, the words didn't even seem like a whisper, her attention so stuck on the boy. Slowly his lips met her eyelids, then her cheek. Her head was spiraling, and though she wouldn't admit it she longed to kiss him again, they hadn't kissed on the lips ever since their flight. Neither of them ever went that far, only ever kissing each other on the foreheads or cheeks. 

Neteyam pulled away, and Kireyi already started to miss the warmth, "So what about my hair? Hm?" 

Her head turned, chin pressing against her shoulder before looking back to Neteyam, "Your beads, you got new ones."

"You noticed?"

Kireyi softly nodded, "May I?" The boy moved closer to her, signaling she could. Her fingers brushed through his braids, taking hold of the ones with new beads, "They are pretty...."

"Should I make you some more?" She thought for a few seconds, finger's still feeling the wooden carvings, and the smoothness of the beads.

"Well.... if you'd like." Her cheeks were still warm, and his tail kept brushing against her waist.

"Alright then," Neteyam's head turned to her, and her eyes widened for a split second, "Tell me about the ceremony, and what you were doing yesterday."

"Okay," She smiled, the two talking together for a while.


Night came rather fast, and Kireyi made way to the Na'alia and her family, "Are you ready?"

This time, no one except close family would come with, to experience the first dive. Kireyi led the family out towards the spirit tree, and the water was calm as they proceeded. Ronal had come with, as Kireyi was still in training, the mother and daughter close to each other.

"You may help Kehi dive now, be patient as it may take a few minutes," Na'alia and her mate nodded, slowly easing their daughter into the water. Letting it fully take over the girl before the family dove under. They chose a high branch, close to the surface for if their little girl needed air. Attaching her Queue, everyone watched in Unison, silence filling the water and air. 

Although this custom was so simple and quick, the meaning held much more to the Metkayina. It was a time for Eywa to accept the new child, and for the child to accept Eywa. Taking each other in as their own, fully experiencing the love and beauty of their home.

It was only a minute or two before the three rose, and Kireyi's time was now up, "You all know that we leave by now, allowing you all to spend your own time together," She softly smiled to the family.

"We thank you for all of your guidance, you have helped us in many ways," Vufey praised the young girl, his wife nodding too.

"Could you help teach her when she starts to join the other children?" Na'alia asked.

Kireyi looked to her mother, and she nodded in acceptance. The girl's face lit up, and she quickly responded, "I'd love to! You all know where to find me," She smiled once more. And Kireyi and Ronal made way back to the village.

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