extra bits

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As promised, this chapter will contain everything I had planned for the future of Dare and more. There's a lot so buckle up folks.

I'll start with summaries of where I was gonna take the stories then I'll post pre-written stuff. And at the very end I'll post the spin offs I wanted to write LMAO

So Dare was going to end with her joining Peter and helping the Dauntless leaders with the attack on Abnegation. There will be a scene of it posted later but essencially she and Peter were asked by Eric to help and Camilla is very angry and very against it but before she can answer Peter agrees to help for the both of them. She gets pissy at Peter but then he tells her that they probably would have killed them if they said no, seeing as they knew the plan and were going to kill people anyway. So she reluctantly helps to save her own skin, being posted up as a guard like Peter, until she gets caught at the end by Tris and everyone else. She joins them on the train to Amity.

Book 2 was gonna be called Burn. This was the tag line: In which Camilla is lost and does whatever she must to find out who she is.

I honestly don't remember much of my plans for this portion, I think it was going to be a lot of angst. Camilla dealing with what she did and realising she is not a good person. People not trusting her. There was also going to be a lot of Peter and Camilla moments since nearly everyone else hates them so they kinda just bond over that lol. But yeahhh it was mainly gonna focus on Camilla's turmoil and stuff than anything else.

And finally book 3 was gonna be called Rise. The tagline for this one was: In which face's from the past begin to appear and Camilla must ask herself where her true loyalties lie.

In this book Camilla's parents are revealed to not actually be dead and have been working for the Beuro outside of the wall the entire time. More of Camilla doing bad things, although this time its because of her mother manipulating her into these things. Yeah thats about it.

As you can tell, I didn't really have any strong idea's for book 2 and 3 lol.

Anyway, heres prewritten scenes and stuff.

I guess I'll pick up where I left off. Camilla's fears.

This was my plan for her final sim:

WAKES UP STANDING ON BRIDGE ABOVE CHASM. Confused. Hears squeak of a shoe. Turns around and sees drew coming at her with a knife. She tries to dodge but she's very sluggish and pained. Eventually, she manages to get the upper hand and pushes him over the edge.SHE STARES DOWN AS HE FALLS. SUDDENLY FALLS TOO INTO OCEAN.the raging ocean. swims deeper. Hears whispers as she swims.BREACHES SURFACE INTO DARKNESS. CLIMBS UP AND IS DRY.Dark / screams. Cant see. Cant see. Feels the ground. Follows it to a wall. Finds a door and stumbles through. What happened last time? There was a door. Maybe it's still there just can't see it.STUMBLES THROUGH DOOR. FINDS HERSELF IN AN AMITY FARM.Sees bodies of her families. Herself covered in blood standing among them with a gun. "Back again so soon" "You want to become dauntless, don't you? Then let go of all of them. They're holding you back. You're scared of becoming a monster but you're already well on your way. Just accept it."Ava's head lifts her head weakly and stretched out a bloodied hand. "Camilla..."Dark Camilla hands her the gun. "Do it, Camilla. Finish the job. Face your fears by becoming the monster you truly are.""Why Camilla? Why did you kill us? Why did you do it? Who even are you? You monster-"Camilla shoots ava, dark Camilla cackles. "You did it, you finally embraced-"Camilla shoots dark Camilla who shatters like a mirror.CAMILLA LOOKS AROUND SADLY, TEARS FORMING AS SHE EYES HER FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHO SLOWLY DISINTEGRATE TURNING INTO...Wasps. Doesn't know what else to do but stand her ground and take it. They fly high into the sky and form a tornado type formation before they come down upon her. Her eyes closed, the buzz became almost deafening. She is calm. But just before they manage to swarm her.THE BUZZING TURNS INTO CLAPS. CAMILLA OPENS HER EYES. SHE IS IN THE SIM ROOM. IT'S OVER. 

Other than the darkness fear, I only wrote out one other fear fully which is the wasp one. I actually wrote an entire chapter but I gave up on the story before I posted it rip. You can read it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fDGPRCKeyepCPllXhRR-Eq6BAeEQPg_o79NFrkjYgMQ/edit?usp=sharing

Speaking of entire chapters. Here's two other nearly finished chapters that would have come from around the same time period: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pltsZoeJdpAnE2SRyMKbnygwJb91mrvgVyd493DJE-A/edit?usp=sharing


Theres also this snippet that I was tempted to include:


Reminder, Camilla is not a great person.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wtmRMmMB0PgYOwj_xgk6EflK4WS1bORz?usp=sharing and heres a link to some character profiles i did.

Finally, heres the spinoff ideas:


Flower Crowns was going to be a short fic set during book 2 between Ava and Dinah. It was going to be a cute gay little story between my favourite girls with a flower theme because I love flowers.


Selfish Desires was gonna be between Jane (yall remember her?) and Liam (camilla's uncle). Idk why i wanted to write this i just thought jane and liam were cute characters and needed love. Also set during book 2.

And I was also gonna write something for Ella called Fools. Starting off from when Tris (and camilla) went to erudite in book one until book two.

All of these would have been one off books.

Soooo yeah thats pretty much everything I have in my docs. I had more in the notes of my old phone but that broke so sadly they're gone forever.

If anyone has any questions feel free to ask, I'd love to answer them.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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