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When all of the initiates had made it to solid ground again, Lauren and a boy led them down a small tunnel. The roof sloped and the walls were made of stone, Camilla ran her fingers along them, feeling the cold, damp rock. The tunnel darkened rapidly and if it weren't for the stone still moving under her hand, she wouldn't even know if she was moving forward. She wasn't sure if Christina and Tris-Beatrice's new name-was still beside her until one of the dull lamps illuminated their small area.

The Erudite boy in front of her came to a sudden stop. Camilla was able to halt her steps before she could barrel into him, but Tris wasn't so lucky. Her face hit his shoulder and she stumbled back, rubbing her nose, the redhead placed a hand on the smaller girls shoulder to steady her, a quiet laugh slipped past her lips.

"This is where we divide," Lauren said. "The Dauntless-born initiates are with me. I assume you don't need a tour of the place."

She smiled and waved over the Dauntless-born, they broke away and began to disappear into the shadows. Camilla spotted Uriah as he walked away, she gave him a small smile to which he returned.

With most of the initiates gone, Milla was able to count nine other transfers, ten including herself, and she wasn't surprised with the remaining group. Her and Tris were the only Amity and Abnegation, and the rest were all Erudite and Candor.

The boy who stood by Tris at the net suddenly spoke up, his voice was deep and there was a small echo after every word. "Most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks, I am your instructor," He said. "My name is Four."

Christina asked, "Four? Like the number?"

"Yes," He replied. "Is there a problem."


"Good. We're about to go into the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-"

"The Pit?" Christina snickered, "Clever name."

Camilla wanted to lean over and hit her new friend on the back of the head. She wanted to tell her to shut up because the people of Dauntless, Four especially, probably didn't want to deal with snarky comments.

"What's your name?" He asked quietly. His face was leaned down close to hers.

"Christina." She squeaked, her confidence gone.

"Well, Christina, if I wanted to put up with Candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction." He hissed. If it were any other situation, Camilla may have laughed at his words. "The first lesson you learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that?"

She nodded.

The redhead hated to admit it, but Four was intimidating. Very intimidating. Of course, she would never tell anyone that though.

Dare // Divergent {1} DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now