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The early morning sun basked her features in light. A bead of sweat ran down her temple and her legs ached, her morning run having just finished. Laughter filled her ears as she entered the cafeteria, swiping an apple on the way in. Camilla spotted her friends quickly, making a beeline towards them.

Sliding into the seat next to Karl, she took a bite of her apple, her friend's conversation halting briefly to acknowledge her presence. They spoke about simple things - chores, jokes, activities - all of them ignoring the elephant in the room. That is until Ava took a bite of her toast.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Ave!" Camilla cried, reaching over and smacking the toast out of her friend's hand. "Don't eat the bread!"

Karl groaned, dropping his head into his hands and muttering a not again! He always thought his friend's accusations and conspiracies were crazy, and would always tell her she was wrong. He had, however, become too paranoid to eat the bread. Although he would never let Camilla find out.

"But I like the bread!" Ava whined. Her blonde hair, that was done in a braid, whipped around as she turned her head.

"Too bad!" Camilla leaned over the table again, this time taking the bread from her friend that was just about to eat it once more. "I've told you guys hundreds of times that they put the peace serum in it."

"You'd know all about the peace serum, wouldn't you Cam?" Ella teased, wagging a finger in the direction of her friend.

Camilla scoffed, though didn't argue. It wasn't a secret that Camilla used to be given the peace serum. Anyone and everyone knew it.

"And I've told you hundreds of times." Karl began. His face held annoyance, though his eyes twinkled in amusement. "They don't put the serum in the bread. And you used to eat the bread too, didn't mean you would space out like you did when it was given to you."

Camilla sighed, the day Karl believed her would be the day Joanna fired a gun. Never. "As you and Ella just pointed out, I was given it a lot as a child. I've probably grown immune to it or something."

"I doubt it." Ella drawled, rolling her eyes. She suddenly made the face she did when she was deep in thought. Her eyebrows pulled together, her lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed. It disappeared once she spoke. "It would make sense though. We're all human meaning we're gonna act up. The best way to make sure we don't is by giving us the serum, and by slipping it into our food, it goes unnoticed."

"You're on her side?!" Karl asked incredulously, his eyes bulging.

"Not necessarily." She replied, pulling her thinking face again. "All I'm saying is that the leaders putting peace serum in the bread isn't so far-fetched if you think about it. Wipe out the problem before it arises."

Camilla pulled a face at her answer. "You're such an Erudite."

"And you're such a Candor."

"Don't compare me to those assholes." She said, pulling a face. "I may speak my mind but I'm not that honest."

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