Chapter 77

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I gazed out of the kitchen window fondly as I dried the last few plates. My two little angels were playing with the snow in the backyard, building a giant but definitely lopsided snowman.

I watched as they animatedly chatted with each other, two pairs of bright violet eyes sparkling like the morning dew as they happily patted away at the last snowball to be added to the top of the snowman. The ball was so big that it was nearly as large as Theo's crouching figure.

Even my guards looked a bit unsure of themselves as they watched their madam wobble from side to side with a giant ball of snow in her arms.

Ever since the day Theo shoved that little boy off of his mom, he had insisted on staying with Belle for the rest of the trip, not that I minded in the slightest. He followed Belle around everywhere and wanted to help her with everything. It was actually quite adorable to watch him follow his mom around like a little duckling.

Unlike when he was with strangers, Theo always turned into an adorable little baby boy when he was around Belle or me. He would seek our attention like a normal child. Bashfully asking for cuddles or trying to show us his little accomplishments, like making his own hot chocolate. Just a single pat on his head or a quick praise could put a smile on his face for the rest of the day.

It reminded me that he was just like any other five-year-old despite his unusually high IQ score.

He just wanted to be loved.

But with his past, at least based on the snippets that I had managed to piece together, I could understand why he was so protective of this little family he had managed to finally grasp onto.

The way his attitude would take a complete turn for the worse the moment he thought that someone was threatening his home... How he could turn into a rabid dog instead of a fluffy bunny in a mere second... The unexpected level of possessiveness...

He was scared that it would disappear at any moment.

I sighed at the thought. If only there were some way I could give his mind a bit of peace, to reassure him that we wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice the backdoor opening until I felt a pair of slim arms slip around my waist from behind.

My favorite voice floated sweetly into my ears, asking quietly, "What are you thinking so hard about, Metri?"

I smiled at the familiarity as I placed the last cleaned plate onto the drying rack. I smoothly turned around in her hold and wrapped my arms around her waist, reciprocating her hug. Giving her a light Eskimo kiss, I reassured her, "It's nothing, love. Are you done building your snowman already?"

Her eyes lit up at the mention of her snowman, and eagerly pointed out the window with a bright smile. "Do you think it looks good?"

I looked over at the highly crooked snowman in amusement. It was still somehow standing with all sorts of twigs and stones sticking out of it. "It looks wonderful, darling."

She hummed happily in agreement. "I think so too! But Theo fell into a mound of snow on our way back in and got soaked, so he's taking a quick shower right now to warm himself back up."

I chuckled softly as my eyes dropped down her delicate features. I gently brushed my knuckles along the side of her face, tracing her chilled skin, and asked worriedly, "What about you, my love? You look a bit pale too."

She closed her eyes and leaned into my hand, letting out a soft hum in comfort. "I'm fine, Metri. You worry too much."

I sighed as I trailed my fingertips over her cheek, mindlessly pushing her hair back to reveal more of her porcelain face. I was honestly a bit worried about her recently.

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