9- twisted and turned

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"What did you do to him?!", you panted and tried to free yourself from the ropes that tied you to the chair.

Not to mention that it was not only hopeless, but also dangerous- you were in a room full of gangster... your only hope to get out of here was laying a few meters away from you on the floor, coughing up blood while trying to get up on his knees.

It simply made no sense. Why would they beat him up? Why would Hyunjin get you nicely dressed only to have you tied up on a chair?

"Oh. Him?", Chan asked and pointed at Hyunjin before he smirked, "don't worry my dear, this has nothing to do with you at all"

Just when you were about to ask him for what other reason he would beat up his own gang member, he started to speak again.

"Well- actually it has. But only partly, don't worry", he walked next to Hyunjin and kicked him in his ribs, causing the male to only spit more blood.

"Oh my Y/n, now look at your boyfriend, it's all your fault that he looks like this"


Did they- did they really harm him because of you?

But... how? Didn't Seungmin tell you about how Hyunjin could choose between killing you or taking you with him? Wait no- even Hyunjin said it. And Felix.

Then why would they...

Doesn't matter. Guilt washed over you and that feeling was so strong, that when you looked at Hyunjin, who was still struggling with getting on his knees properly, nearly started to cry.

He said that it would be fine, you thought, he promised that

... that he would protect you.

Was this the reason why he got beaten up?

Did Chan want you to be killed and Hyunjin was trying to protect you?

Probably. It made the most sense and that would be quite typical for him.

"Y/n", you heard your boyfriend groan, "it's not you fault... it-"

He got kicked in his ribs again.

"Y/n", Chan imitated his groan, "it is your fault"

"Don't listen to him... he wants to make you feel bad so you-", Hyunjin tried to speak up again but ended with choking on his own blood.

His state was concerning you. Really.

According to what you saw, he would at least have multiple broken ribs, a broken nose and probably also some internal injuries- or even more worse- internal bleedings.

Plus, of course you knew that Chan just tried to make you feel bad. You weren't sure what his intentions were behind it but... he was still right.

If you would've never appeared by Felix, you probably would be in your bed by now, sleeping and waiting for Hyunjin to come back.

You can't change it now. Stop overthinking, Y/n, you thought, something isn't right here. Chan clearly wants to make you feel as worse as possible.

Yeah, obviously... and not surprising. You came to that conclusion minutes before it was just... why did he want to make you feel like this?

You nearly groaned loudly. You were thinking in circles. And that maybe was exactly what Chan wanted.

He started to chuckle, "You're thinking about why I want you to feel bad, right? Quite impressive. I have to confess that you would just sit there and cry but... you're smarter than I thought. Quite a loss"

Quite a-

Fuck. No.

He wanted to- kill you?!

Hyunjin once again wanted to say something but this time a man behind him hit his head with something and Hyunjin fell on the floor.


"Now we have time to talk properly", Chan sighed and walked to his desk, sitting on his chair- right in front of you. Only the desk was left between the two of you which you were actually... kinda relieved of.

"What the fuck is your problem?", you snapped at him.

Wow- that wasn't planned. Probably it was because the immense adrenaline rush you had.

"Hyunjin had to be punished, that's quite a routine actually. He nearly messed up a mission", he explained.

"But I had to punish him even more worse to bring you here, you know? I really thought he would just pull the trigger as easy as it is. But no- of course he wasn't listening to me. Again"

"I thought the options were to either kill me or bring me here?", you asked, completely confused what exactly Chan meant.

Chan on the other hand chuckled, "not exactly my love, his options were 'kill her' or "bring her and live with the consequences'. And before you ask what I mean- I mean that if he brings you here, I can do whatever I want to this little pretty face of yours"

You nearly started to laugh loudly.

Not only was this the biggest shit you ever heard in your entire life but he also managed to sound like a perverted uncle saying it like this.

"See, I wanted to test you first by making you feel so bad that you would kill yourself with the knife on the table. But not only did Hyunjin ruin my plan, you were also smart enough to find out why I said that... although you still seemed to drown in guilt but that's not important now"


Oh. He was right.

There was indeed a knife placed on the desk. You simply didn't notice.

"Such a shame I still have to kill you, I really started to like you", Chan whispered- more to himself than to you.

"Why? I think I 'passed' the test?"

"Oh you did. But when Hyunjin brought you here I also found out that not only you have really bad bound with Felix right now, but also are not bounded to Hyunjin.  Tch... I can't trust you under this circumstances"

"What does that mean I'm not 'bounded' to Hyunjin?!"

"You're just his girlfriend. That's simply not enough for me... you know, marrying someone is definitely different than being just a couple"

He sighed and pulled out his gun, pointing it right on your head.

You closed your eyes.

Was it coming to an end now? Did Hyunjin really brought you here believing the best only for you being killed after like on hour?

At least Hyunjin doesn't have to see it, you thought. Call it a weird last thought but somehow it calmed you. It wouldn't be as hard for him just finding your dead body as seeing you getting you killed right in front of his eyes.

"Stop", a sharp voice suddenly echoed through the room.

It was Hyunjin.

He was sitting in his own pool of blood and seemed to not being able to make it any longer, but his voice sounded as strong as never.

"She is not my girlfriend"

What. The. Fuck?

"Oh my god now what is this", Chan sighed and put down his gun, looking at Hyunjin, who was looking back at him.

"She's my wife. Ask Felix"

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