14- evidence

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The blood in your veins froze, a chill creeping down your spine as you realized the gravity of the situation. You had messed up. Big time.

Turning around slowly, you found yourself face-to-face with Mikyeong, her expression less than pleased. Despite her petite frame, she exuded an aura of intimidation, her sharp eyes fixed on you while the gun on her hip served as a stark reminder of the danger you were in.

"I-" you began, but the words caught in your throat, your mind racing for an excuse.

"What?" Mikyeong's impatience was palpable, her tone leaving no room for hesitation.

"I..." you stammered, buying time as you searched for a plausible explanation. Then, a surge of boldness washed over you, and you decided to take a chance. "I was just passing by, and then you randomly came at me like, 'Where do you think you're going?' Like, girl, I wasn't doing anything besides aiming to visit the kitchen."

Your retort was met with skepticism, but to your surprise, Mikyeong seemed to relent, turning away and walking off.

Bingo! You congratulated yourself on your quick thinking, eager to inform Hyunjin of the spy's identity.

But before you could take a step, you were suddenly pinned against a wall, a sharp pain shooting through your head as something cold pressed against your temple.

"Do you really think I'm that dumb?" Mikyeong's voice was like a razor, slicing through the air with deadly precision. "You can lie to the others, but if you lie to me... I won't hesitate to kill you."

Her words sent a shiver down your spine, and you swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of the situation. Mikyeong was not one to be trifled with.

As you focused on Mikyeong, you heard the distinct click of a gun nearby. Looking up, you saw Seungmin, his own weapon trained on Mikyeong's temple.

"I would deeply recommend you to put your gun down and let Y/n go," Seungmin's voice was calm but firm, his eyes steely.

To your surprise, Mikyeong released you almost immediately, her gaze still locked with Seungmin's.

"If I ever see you touching her again, I swear I will tell Hyunjin. And now, fuck off," Seungmin's voice was ice cold, his warning clear.

Mikyeong snorted in response but ultimately walked away, leaving you shaken but relieved. Another layer of complexity had been added to the already convoluted web of alliances and rivalries within the gang.

As Seungmin turned to you, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards him. He had just saved you from a potentially deadly encounter with Mikyeong, and you made a mental note to thank him later.

"You good?" Seungmin's voice brought you back to the present, his concern evident in his tone.

You considered his question. Physically, you were fine, save for a slight headache from being slammed against the wall. Mentally, however, you felt like you were tiptoeing through a minefield of secrets and uncertainties.

"I guess so," you replied, your voice tinged with uncertainty.

Seungmin nodded, then motioned for you to follow him. "Mind telling me what happened on the way?" he asked as he started walking.

"On the way?"

"The boys have a meeting - you can't join, but I thought it would be safer for you if I keep you with one of us."

Ah, the meeting. You remembered now.

"So?" Seungmin prompted.

Should you tell him about Jaemin's revelation regarding the spy? Would he already know? You decided to tread carefully.

"I... overheard something that made me suspicious," you admitted, keeping your voice low.

Seungmin halted, his gaze piercing. "How do you know about the spy?" he asked, a note of urgency in his voice.

You hesitated, then decided to divulge only what was necessary. "Not important," you deflected. "Just listen. Mikyeong said something about needing a few more days until she has... something."

Seungmin regarded you skeptically for a moment before gesturing towards the door. "Wait outside until someone comes to pick you up," he instructed.

As you turned to leave, Seungmin called after you. "And Y/n," he added sternly, "no eavesdropping."

You nodded, feeling a sense of unease settling over you, and made your way outside.

Seated on a bench under the moonlight, you grappled with your thoughts. Should you listen in on the meeting or not? Ultimately, curiosity got the better of you, and you crept closer to the door, straining to catch any fragments of conversation.

"...no evidence... joke... think?" Felix's voice drifted through the crack in the door, but his words were too muffled to make out.

"...right, Chan... doing her job... keep an eye, but..." Seungmin's response was equally indistinct.

"...obvious. Hyunjin, don't... can't you see... have to kill... her, I'm sure! Just listen to me one goddamn time!" Chan's voice rose in frustration, the urgency of his words cutting through the air.

The mention of Hyunjin and the word "kill" alarmed you. What was happening?

Before you could piece together any coherent thoughts, another voice boomed from inside. Hyunjin. Loud and mad.

"This is the biggest bullshit I've heard in my entire life. We have all the evidence speaking for it, and what just happened is another one to add to it. I have no idea what you all are thinking right now," Hyunjin's voice thundered, his frustration palpable.

"We fucking know who it is," he declared.

And then the door swung open.

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