17- rendezvous with a gun

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What the-

What kind of weird shit is that?! Since when is he writing letters and since when is he writing such mysterious bullshit?!, you thought.

"Meet me at the lake at 2am", you mocked him, "if he would've said 'Today. 2am. Lake' it would've sounded right like the gang shit I'm in at the moment"

But anyways.

Shaking your head, you brushed off the weirdness of the situation. Regardless of the oddity, there was no question about whether you'd heed his summons. After all, he was still your boyfriend, and despite any recent disagreements, you trusted him to have your back.

With a resigned sigh, you settled onto your bed, reaching for your phone. But to your surprise, it was completely devoid of any messages, calls, or contacts—except for Hyunjin and Felix. Even your photos had vanished, leaving behind an unsettling emptiness.

"They must've wiped everything to keep me isolated," you reasoned, a knot of frustration tightening in your chest. It was a blatant attempt to cut off your communication with the outside world, which on the other hand wouldn't make sense at all, cause... 911 was a number everyone knew. But you refused to let it intimidate you.

A sigh later, you just reminded yourself that you shouldn't think about anything that was happening here- too confusing anyways.

Ok fuck it, I don't care if I'm late or not, I'm just going to go there now. I'm curious what he wants after writing such weird notes

Stepping out of the room, going through the hallway, leaving the mansion, entering the garden, you had no encounters with anyone. Luckily.

In general- the mansion felt awfully empty to you.

Didn't matter now- cause you were already able to see the lake... but not Hyunjin. You skeptically continued walking but there still was no sign of anyone around.

Was this a joke?

A glimpse at the phone- 1:58 pm. Where the hell was he?!

Suddenly your phone lit up in your hand again. A message from Hyunjin.

Follow the path on your left.

What- The- Fuck?!

Hyunjin tf? I know you're totally into this gang shit but I ain't participating in a drug deal or kidnapping or sum!, you typed back.

Read 1:59 pm.

Nice, now he wasn't even answering anymore, leaving you no choice but to follow his instructions.

You looked at your left and he indeed was right. There was a little path. Which „surprisingly" went through some woods. Nice. He really planned on kidnapping you.

Annoyed by his weird behavior, you still followed the path. Was he making fun of you? Seemed like it. Was he still mad? Why would he? Why tf was he even mad? You just asked about Mikyeong- which was justified, after all he literally threatened her right in front of you. So why would he-

Your thoughts were cut off as you suddenly saw a black car right in front of you.

Ok, that's it, you thought, that dude is going to fucking kidnap me!

Right as you were about to leave, curiosity took over you.

Hyunjin had to be in that car- and he was definitely not going to kidnap you!

But... what if someone else used his phone and just pretended to be him?!, a random voice appeared in your head.

Bullshit, you thought, who tf would steal his phone?! We're literally in a gang mansion, no one's able to get in here.

Maybe it was Chan... or Mikyeong... or Seungmin- all of them aren't really on your best side, the voice argued again.

During your self dialogue, you didn't realize that you were walking up right to the car. Better said- right now, you were standing right in front of it... and no one was in there.

Ok something isn't right here, maybe I should really go ba-

Suddenly, before you could even think of anything, you were slammed against the car by another body. A tall body.

„Hyunjin?!", you asked as the male looked down at you, „what the fuck is going on here?!"

Hyunjin on the other hand just silently looked at you. His eyes mirroring... sadness and anger?!

Ok now for real, what happened?!

„Is everything ok?", you asked him, alarmed by his emotions.

He just kept on looking at you before he snorted.

„I thought it was", he spoke up for the first time- his voice cold, distant.


You took a closer look at his face. Eyes red and swollen?! Did he cry?!

„Hyunjin?!", you wanted to stroke his cheek, wanted fo find out why he was like this. But you were too scared- something didn't feel right at all.

Seemed like he rode your mind, cause he raised his own hand to cup your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes for a few seconds.

He then let go and stepped a bit back.

„I'm sorry for not realizing earlier- I should've listened to him but I was blind"

Right when you were about to ask him if he was drunk or sum, he did something that caused your blood to freeze and your heart to stop beating.

Black dressed and masked men appeared behind you. Armed.

You looked around you, when you suddenly felt something cold on your head.

To clarify- that something was a gun.

And that gun was pointed by no other than your boyfriend.

Hyunjin had his gun pointed at your head.

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