11- resurrected

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Probably your first thought should've been "oh my god" or "what the fuck is going on"- like it tend to be all the time since Hyunjin brought you here-

But no, it seemed like your head was so messed up that it switched to clown- mode.

"Is this a joke?", you said- accidentally out loud.

Haha. Guess I'm talking to ghosts now... what exactly did Seungmin inject me?!

You turned around- somehow annoyed at yourself... since- it couldn't be that some dead man was standing behind you, talking to you. Could it?


Cause when you turned around, it was really him standing there.

"J-Jaemin?", you whispered.

If you were really hallucinating, probably everyone would've been completely weirded out by your behavior. But Hyunjin confirmed that you were not.

"You know each other?!", he asked and looked from you to jaemin... and back to you.

"We do", you said with a smile in Hyunjin's direction, before turning back to Jaemin, addressing your next words directly at him, "at least we did... before he died"

"Please, Y/n, just hear me out," Jaemin implored, his voice tinged with urgency as he grabbed your arm.

But you were done listening. Anger bubbled up inside you like a volcano ready to erupt, fueled by years of pent-up frustration and unresolved emotions. How dare he waltz back into your life after all this time, expecting forgiveness and understanding as if nothing had happened?

With a sudden surge of defiance, you wrenched your arm free from Jaemin's grasp, your pulse pounding in your ears like a war drum. His eyes widened in shock, but you refused to let his guilt-tripping sway you. This was your moment to take back control, to assert yourself in the face of manipulation and deceit.

Hyunjin's protective stance beside you served as a silent reminder of the unwavering support you had by your side. His presence emboldened you, filling you with newfound strength and determination.

"Enough, Jaemin," you spat, your voice laced with venom. "I won't let you manipulate me anymore. I've moved on from the pain you caused, and I won't let you reopen old wounds."

With a final glare, you turned away from Jaemin, seeking refuge in Hyunjin's reassuring embrace. His arms wrapped around you like a shield, offering solace and protection against the turmoil raging within and without.

Jaemin, however, did not seem like he was done with you. He desperately stepped forward, probably aiming to grab your arm again, when Hyunjin stepped in between the both of you.

"I would deeply recommend you to overthink that. We don't want you to get right back into your grave again, huh?", Hyunjin said calmly, but with a warning undertone.

You had no clue if Jaemin was startled by Hyunjins voice- or his appearance... maybe it was because of the growing tension in the room... but Jaemin dropped the hand he wanted to reach out to you with and sighed.

Hyunjin on the other hand grabbed your arm instead and pulled you with him, opening a big door that revealed a big garden.... He wanted to pull you somewhere outside?!

"Hyunjin what- I have to treat you! What about your injuries?", Jeongin asked, flabbergasted.

"Will be back in 30 mins", was his short response to the younger one, and with that he just pulled you outside with him, ignoring your questions where he was about to go and what the fuck he was doing.

And eventually ended up pulling you into a hammock with him.

Where? You had no idea actually- you were busy with torturing Hyunjin with questions and staring at him to make sure he'd be ok and not collapse suddenly- there was no time left to focus on your surroundings.

Not the best strategy but you couldn't change it anymore. So you just let him pull you on it and snuggled closer to him.... ignoring the strange smell of blood he was surrounded with.

"Thank you", you mumbled after hyunjin just laid there without saying anything. Making you kind of worried that he would be unconscious or something.

"What for?", he mumbled back.

"You know.... for kind of saving me from Jaemin. It was kinda uncomfortable for me in there"

"Mind telling me what happened?", he asked and you could feel his fingers touching your jaw.

You took a deep breath and closed your eyes for a second. Time to talk about it.

"There's nothing much to tell. Jaemin and I were good friends- got to know each other through some other friend of us- and one day, after we both did something together, his mom called me telling me he got into an accident. Hyunjin I was on his funeral.... I- I even saw his DEAD BODY"

Of course there was a lot to tell more. A lot more details to give him. But you weren't interested in it at all. You weren't ready for it just yet.

Hyunjin was listening to you attentively, not saying a word, just stroking your cheek and playing with your hair.

"Don't talk to him", he advised you.

"Tf?!", you blurted out loud and looked at him.

"We'll talk this out tomorrow. You need sleep"

"I need sleep?! I was unconscious for quite a while before I woke up tied on a chair and saw you being half human remains"

He gasped. "You're welcome, Y/n. I gladly took the beat and figured out a plan to keep you alive"

You poked his rib, making him flinch and whine in pain.

It was a mystery how he managed to do it but he could make you laugh and feel loved every single time. No matter what.

As Hyunjin swung open the door, you expected to be ushered back into the mansion, away from the chaos of your encounter with Jaemin. But his sudden halt, pulling you behind him with a firm grip, set off alarm bells in your mind.

You tried to peek around him, to catch a glimpse of what had caused his abrupt stop, but he held you firmly in place, his entire body radiating tension and alertness. And beneath it all, a palpable sense of worry.

The room fell into an eerie silence, the air thick with anticipation, as Hyunjin finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.


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