10- just married

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What the fuck.




When tf did that happen?! Did he marry you while you were drunk on a party some random time ago?!

Or wait... was he hallucinating?

God, you thought, probably because of all the blood loss.

Would make sense, right? Cause- who would be able to think of a good plan being in this state?

Well. The answer was simple, yet so hard.

And no. The way it turned out, it was not Hyunjins plan. But like always, Chan interrupted your thoughts by speaking up.

"Now what the fuck is this", he groaned, "some sad excuses so I don't have to kill her? Come on Hyunjin, I thought I taught you better"

"What do you think why I told you to ask Felix. You really think I could come up with a full plan and unsafe backup right now?", Hyunjin answered and still held Chan's gaze.

It wasn't really necessary to mention how Hyunjin impressed you right now. You had no idea what he was talking about and if his 'plan' or whatever he thought of would work...

...but the way he looked at Chan, himself being on the floor, beat up and breathing hard, still as if he would be ready to fight him, no matter how the surroundings were, made you fall for him even more.

After you heard him promise you that he'd protect you with his life back in the hotel, you were in awe about him, for sure, how were you supposed to know what was about to happen a few hours after?

Then- seeing him like this when he came inside the office with Chan and trying to shield you, although he was in a serious state and knew what would happen if he continued showed you that you made the right decision.

The right decision of choosing him.

He had a plan? Then you should trust him.

Be quiet and let him speak. He'll get you out of here....

He'll get you both out of here.

Chan seemed to be annoyed as hell- which he proved right when he slammed his gun on the table.

"Minho. Bring Felix here"

He waited a second for the male to go out and close the door behind him, before he turned back to your boyfriend- or... husband.

"If this is a joke Hyunjin... I swear to god I'll do the worst things possible to her before I slowly kill her in front of your eyes", he warned.

But Hyunjin didn't seem to be impressed even a bit by what his leader said. Quite the reverse actually- he just smiled and raised a cocky brow.

"Wait for it"

And as if it would've been planned, right the time Hyunjin finished off his sentence with a little smirk in Chan's direction, the door opened and revealed Minho, Felix and a younger male.

"Jeongin? Go and treat Hyunjins wounds", Minho advised him as the younger one immediately went to him and started to eye his wounds.

The room seemed to shrink around you as Minho's words hung in the air. Jeongin, a younger member of the group, hurried to Hyunjin's side, his eyes darting over the injuries with a mix of concern and determination.

Meanwhile, Felix stepped forward, a sense of urgency in his voice as he addressed Chan. "It's true. I've got the papers right here, just in case you needed proof. Tho, I would recommend you to not have a look at the photos unless you're looking for nightmares."

Your mind was racing, trying to process the whirlwind of information. Papers? Photos? What the fuck was going on? And when on earth did Hyunjin and you marry? Last time you checked, he had a habit of magically disappearing. The idea of a wedding photo was utterly absurd, yet here you were, knee-deep in a world of deception and intrigue.

Before Chan could respond, Felix took charge, gesturing for him to follow. "Come upstairs with me. I'll explain everything."

You couldn't help but marvel at the sudden shift in Chan's demeanor. Just moments ago, he was ready to end your life without batting an eye, and now he was willingly following Felix upstairs. Your head was spinning.

As the others filed out, leaving you and Hyunjin alone, a torrent of questions flooded your mind. "Hyunjin, what's going on? Marriage? When did that happen?"

Hyunjin silenced you with a gentle kiss on the forehead, his touch offering reassurance amidst the chaos. "Shh, I'll explain everything later. For now, just trust me and stay close."

His words sent a warm flush to your cheeks, though the sight of blood staining his clothes was a stark reminder of the danger lurking around every corner.

With a shared glance, you and Hyunjin stepped out into the hallway, joining the others as you made your way toward the grand staircase. But just as you began to relax, a familiar voice shattered the fragile peace.

"Y... Y/n?"

Your heart stopped. It couldn't be. It simply couldn't.

This- no.


Though it was some time ago that you heard it, you immediately recognized the voice.

It belonged to someone, who once was your everything.

To no other than your dead best friend.

Or well... your supposedly dead best friend.

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