Dirty little secret

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Since that big blow out Elizabeth decided to put that to the side and continue on with the case at hand. Before that happens she and Olivia went to a fancy restaurant to help Stephen. As they walk in they look around for Stephen. "Do you see him?" Elizabeth asks her friend. "Nope" Olivia answers.

Before anything else was said Elizabeth hears a 'pssst' coming from a closet. As she turns she sees Stephen standing there nervously. "Your in a coat closet" Elizabeth says walking closer. "You can do this Stephan" Olivia says words of encouragement as she walks over to the duo.

"That's the thing I don't think I can." Stephan says worriedly. "Tell it" Elizabeth says. "You know, what if I-I marry her and I cheat or she gets bored with me or... She doesn't love me enough? I am not a good guy. Guys, what if she...Leaves me?" Stephan says panicking.

"She's not gonna leave you Stephen. She loves you and you love her. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work,but you have to try,because if you try, if you leap and you try, and it doesn't work out, it's not on you." Olivia says. "It's not on me" Stephen says trying to convince himself. "You can do this." Elizabeth says putting her hands on his shoulders.

" okay" Stephen replies as he nods slowly. " I can do this" he repeats giving them a smile. Elizabeth then turned Stephen around to face the direction of which his soon to be fiancé. "Go. Be happy. Be normal." Elizabeth says softly trying not to think about a certain president.

Stephen turns around to face Elizabeth and Olivia and gave them a kiss on their cheeks. He turns back and walks away from the two leaving smiles on their faces. As he makes his way towards Georgia, Elizabeth hugs Olivia which gains a hug back.

"Gerogia" Stephen says gaining her attention. "It would give me...The greatest honor..." Stephan continues as he gets on one knee with the ring in his hand. As Elizabeth's watching she feels a tear roll down her face. Olivia notices and grabs her hand in consolation. Everyone began to clap as the couple kissed. Elizabeth hugs Olivia, trying to hide her tears. Olivia is startled for a second and began hugging her back. "It'll be alright Lizzie. My gut says so" Olivia says as she began rubbing Elizabeth's back.


After that beautiful proposal olivia and Elizabeth decided to visit sully. "We may never know who killed Paige. But this isn't about you not going to jail for Paige's murder. This is about you not living a lie. Sully, I saw that kiss. You love that man, whoever he is. You love him. You have been living with a secret for a really long time. I know what that's like. I honestly do. And you think you're doing it for the right reasons. You think you're doing it for your country and for the people who look up to you,but the thing is, who you are, who you love...that shouldn't be a
secret." Elizabeth says staring off at the wall. Olivia just gives Elizabeth the "speak for yourself" look and then turns to sully.

There was a pregnant pause for 2 minutes. Elizabeth had a feeling he wouldn't talk yet so she got up from his side. "John Latimer. That's his name. And I do... Love him." Sully says looking at the two ladies. Elizabeth and Olivia both look at each other and then sully.


Later sully was on live television with other soldiers by his side. Cameras flashed as silly began talking. "I am honored to have served my country. I am honored to have been injured serving my country. And just as importantly, I am honored to be a gay man who served my country." Sully says with pride. Meanwhile at olivia and Elizabeth watches from tv with a smile in their face.

"Uh, he wants to see you." Cyrus says as he walks in and sits down next to Elizabeth. "Tell him to go to hell." Elizabeth says not taking her eyes off of the television. "I'm just the messenger." Cyrus says throwing his hands up in defence. "You tell him that he better hope to God Amanda Tanner doesn't want to come forward with her story, because she just became our client." Elizabeth says turning to Cyrus with a smirk. Cyrus looks at Elizabeth shocked.

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