Enemy of the state 5

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Abby was ripping pictures off the wall angrily as Elizabeth sits on the table in headquarters, staring at the two as they argue. "You had no right to do what you did." Olivia says causing Abby to turn to her in shock. "No right? No right?!" Abby questions in disbelief .

"That woman was not our client." Elizabeth interrupts making Abby turn to her. "She had one shot, and you took it away." Abby says angrily making Elizabeth hold her hands up in a surrender pose. "She chose to marry that man. She chose to have children with him!" Olivia yells back causing Abby to turn back to Olivia. "Oh, and that makes it your call to decide whether or not," she says before olivia begins to talk over her.

"And now, 20 years later, she wakes up and realizes she's sleeping next to a monster and she wants out?" Olivia says making Abby look at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? That's what you did for me." she says before both women are trying to talk over one another. "She fell in love with the wrong man." Olivia says arguing back.

"No, you made the wrong call. When I wanted to leave Charles," Abby starts out but Olivia cuts her off. "She put herself in an impossible position."When I wanted to leave Charles" Abby repeats angrily."We did what we had to do for our client. We made a tough call. You don't like it, Abby? Too bad! It's our practice and it is our names on that door, not yours!" Olivia yells pointing at the door.

"When I wanted to leave Charles!" Abby yells as she turns around and throws the pictures at both women. "Don't talk to me about tough calls, whose practice it is, and names on the door. That woman needs us. And I don't know what's going on with you or what's happened to you, but I know that you two have your stuff that you don't talk about except with each other. I know that. But something's going on with you, and I'm sorry about that. I am, but that doesn't mean that you get to stop being Olivia Pope and you don't get to stop being Elizabeth Reid." Abby says as she gets closer to the women and continues. "When Charles fractured three of my ribs and broke my jaw and threw me out into the snow in my nightgown, Elizabeth Reid shot him in the foot and then again in the arm and then Olivia Pope and Elizabeth Reid got me the best divorce attorney in the state and got me out of that marriage. That's what the two of you do. That's who you are. You are gladiators. I would gladly follow either of you over a cliff. But you gotta show up. You gotta be warriors. You don't get to pick and choose when the real Olivia Pope and the real Elizabeth Reid walks through that door." she turns to Olivia , "You made the wrong call," she then turns to Elizabeth, "you both did." she says walking out the office. Elizabeth sighs as Olivia looks at her in shock.


Benicio was giving a speech at the conference as Elizabeth, huck and Abby walk through the hallway to the room Carolina bc was sitting in with her kids. "We have withstood lies spread by powerful media outlets and the permanent threat of this capitalist empire. We have withstood the very naked disrespect for the sovereignty of our nation." he says on the television as his wife and children are watching with one person watching over them. The door opens as Olivia , Abby, Elizabeth and Huck walk in. As the man reaches for a gun Elizabeth pulls out her and points it at him. "Don't think about it" Elizabeth spits out with venom. The man stop reaching for his gun and puts his hands up.

Olivia and turns to Carolina who has her kids on the couch with her. "If you still want asylum, we can get it for you. I have a car downstairs waiting, ready to take you and your family to homeland security, but if you want to go, we have to leave right now, this minute. Do you still want asylum?" Olivia says as Carolina looks at her with a hopeful expression."My husband's security men are down the hall. They won't let me leave the building." Carolina says worriedly. "We've got it covered." Huck says assuring her making her nod hesitantly.


"Guys, we need to move now." Abby warns as she sees Benicio in the tv finishing his speech and walking off the stage. "Okay, Huck, baby." Olivia says as Huck grabs the baby from Carolina and she goes to grab some of her stuff. "Thank you. Manuel, wake up. Manuel, we have to go. Come on." Carolina says shaking her son awake who was sleep next to her. As they are on the way out the door Olivia looks to see huck looking in the ground. "Huck!" Olivia says.

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