Enemy of the state

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Elizabeth was in her house laying on her couch. She was still in shock about the whole Amanda tanner situation. I mean what did she expect? If he's gonna cheat on his wife he mind as well have a baby too right? Elizabeth stared at the wall for what felt like hours until she heard a knock from her door.

"You know what's interesting about being engaged? Fiancés don't like it when you get out of bed at 3:00 A.M. To go see another woman. But you called, I came, and I brought our best friend Shiraz." Stephan says showing her a bottle of wine. Instead of answering Elizabeth took the bottle and went to the kitchen. "Liz?" Stephan says. Elizabeth grabs a big glass and begins luring the wine. "Hey, Liz...Hey. Hey. I got it." Stephan says as he takes the bottle from her.

"What's up?" Stephan asks but doesn't get an answer from her. "Whatever it is, we will fix it." Stephan says giving her the glass of wine. Elizabeth gulped it down before going to the table to grab the pregnancy tests. "You should have seen me forcing water down her throat to make her pee. It was like something out of Abu Ghraib." Elizabeth says showing Stephan the positive tests. "Uh, let me get this clear. Amanda Tanner is..." Stephan trails off. "pregnant with
the president's baby, yes." Elizabeth finishes.

"Right. Are you sure it's his?" Stephan asks making Elizabeth pause and pours another glass . "I'm sure." She replies back. "Liz...." Stephan says. " I am sure" Elizabeth says before taking a sip. "How bad is this for you? I know you're friends with the president, with his wife. There's no shame in saying you can't handle this." Stephan says making Elizabeth give him a weird expression. "What? I-it's not bad for me I just..." Elizabeth says not knowing what to say.

Suddenly Elizabeth gets a call to which she picks it up. "Yes Quinn" Elizabeth says answering the call. " You'd better come down to the office. There's an army here." Quinn says as she looks at the guys. "An army of what? Reporters? Lawyers?" Elizabeth asks. "An actual army." Quinn says making Elizabeth hang up. "Eliza.." Stephan says. " We gotta go in. I need to put on some decent clothes, and we'll take your car because I think I've had too much wine to drive. I'll be ready in two minutes." Elizabeth rants.

"Eliza" Stephan says again. "No, I'm fine. Really. I'm good now.I can handle anything. Two minutes." Elizabeth says rushing to her bedroom to go get ready.


"I didn't know. They barged in. They wouldn't even say who they were." Quinn says upset with herself.. "You were alone. You did the right thing." Harrison says. "I should've stopped them. I just surrendered, without a fight. I surrendered the whole office" Quinn admits.

"Who's speaking at the O.A.S.? Who's in town?" Olivia asks. "O.A.S.?" Quinn asks looking at her team. "Organization of American States Annual conference this week." Elizabeth answers as they walk in the hallway to the main room.

"Bolivia, Brazil, Haiti, Honduras..." Abby lists off. "You think it's the Cubans? They've been wooing us for months." Stephan suggests. "Would you like me to get a gun?" Huck suggests.

"You have a gun?" Quinn asks in disbelief. "I have one, too." Abby says with a smile. "Same" Elizabeth says causing Quinn to give her a shocked look. "What?.... I stay strapped" Elizabeth says shrugging. "No guns." Olivia says looking at her team before opening the door to walk in with Elizabeth now infront of her.

"You gave them coffee?" Huck asks."So they wouldn't kill me." Quinn says in a surrender pose. "Buenas noches, caballeros. Muchas gracias por venir, pero voy a necesitar entrar a mi oficina." Elizabeth says pointing forward into the conference room. They then move aside, letting the group see that the person in the conference room waiting for them is General Benicio Florez."Of course. El general." Elizabeth mumbles sighing as of enough wasn't on her plate.

"Who is it?" Quinn questions. "General Benicio Florez." Elizabeth answers. "Otherwise known as ruthless, repressive, political freedom-hating, police brutality-loving, South American leftist dictator." Abby says listing off the names. "And sworn enemy of the United States." Olivia finishes the question.


"My wife and my two youngest children were kidnapped. Taken from a restaurant this afternoon in Dupont Circle. My oldest son Felipe saw them being pulled away in a van." The general says as he begins pacing.

"Is the FBI on it?" Elizabeth asks. "The FBI probably did this. Look, the only reason I'm even in this country is because of this O.A.S. conference. Half of my security detail was sent away at the airport. Does that give you an idea of what kind of cooperation I'm gonna get from this government?" The general says getting louder and louder.

"They've been trying to overthrow him for years." Huck says causing Quinn to look over. "I know that in the eyes of your president, I'm somewhere between Castro and Gadhafi. But before I am a so-called dictator,before I am a general, I am a husband. I am a father. And I need to have my family safe. I will do anything to see them again."  You are my best and my only chance." The general says staring at Elizabeth in the eye who doesn't back down and stares as well.


As Elizabeth and Olivia are talking to the general the rest watch them from afar. "Tell me we're not going to take on a dictator as a client." Abby says looking at the three of them. "They're just talking." Harrison says. "You don't talk for that longif you're not gonna take somebody on." Abby says staring back at the three. "Well, you do if the elevator hasn't come." Huck suggests. "

"Exactly. They are just being polite. It doesn't mean she's gonna represent him." Stephen says when el general brings them both in for a hug. "That does. Welcome to Olivia Pope and Associates, el general Your delightful death squads are now our delightful death squads." Abby says dramatically.

"The man does not have death squads." Stephan says when Huck then clears his throat as gives his team a look. "Come on. We used to vote on this stuff! And now apparently, we don't even get to speak." Abby says complaining.

"Stephen, Abby, first thing in the morning,
talk to the older son." Elizabeth orders as she walks back to the team with olivia following behind her. "Huck, Harrison, see if you can dig up any eyewitnesses at the restaurant." Elizabeth says looking at them both.

"So we're taking the case?" Abby asks causing Elizabeth to turn to her. "What?" Elizabeth questions. "Your good friend the general... we're taking him on as a client even though we didn't vote, even though the rest of us didn't have a say?" Abby says causing Elizabeth to open her mouth but olivia goes infront of abby in Elizabeth's view and shake her head no. Elizabeth takes a deep breath before walking away.

"We need to cut Elizabeth some serious slack right now. Amanda Tanner is pregnant." Stephan says before leaving abby who then looks at Harrison.

I'm almost done season 1!!!! It's so exciting.




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