Hell hath no fury 2

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"He really did forget what time the trial started." Sandra says trying to convince Olivia and Elizabeth. Elizabeth and Olivia needed to talk with Sandra so Olivia invited her over to her house. "Sandra" Elizabeth says with a knowing face. "You're right. He screwed up." Sandra replies back before taking a sip on her drink. "He's lucky the judge didn't throw him back in jail." Olivia adds in. "This isn't a parking ticket. He's on trial for rape." Elizabeth finishes.

"He didn't do it. He didn't rape that girl." Sandra utters. "I believe you, but if I'm the jury, I'm already resenting him for wasting my time." Elizabeth says looking at Sandra. "Which is why I would like you both on this thing. You can guide our defense team, keep Travis in line." Sandra proposes.

"Unh-unh. No way. Today was just a favor." Elizabeth says shaking her head. "Liz" Sandra trails off. "Sandra, girl you know I love you. I love your son. But we are on retainer for your company, not your family." Elizabeth answers.

"Yeah We help with mergers and P.R. We don't babysit 27 year olds." Olivia says adding to that. "I know that Travis is irresponsible. I know that.I try to tell him that he has to step up, fix his own mistakes. Part of it is on me. After hal died, he went through a very rough time, and I didn't always have the time to help him sort through all of that stuff. And these girls see the son of a rich C.E.O. and they get dollar signs in their eyes. That girl is not the victim here. Travis is. Please. You've handled difficult clients before." Sandra says telling the story making Elizabeth sigh.

"Not ones who didn't show up in court. And we already got Travis one of the best defense lawyers in Washington. He doesn't need me or Olivia." Elizabeth says taking a sip of her wine. "I need you. I spend all day listening to people who tell me what they think I want to hear. You are the only one who will give it to me straight. He could be in a lot of trouble here, Liz . I need someone on our side who I can trust." Sandra begs causing Olivia and Elizabeth to look at each other.

"People don't say no to you very often, do they?" Elizabeth questions as she tilts her head. "Probably about as often as they say no to you." Sandra responds back with a smile. "Oh please nobody says no to me" Elizabeth says putting her cup down.


After that whole thing olivia basically dragged Elizabeth back to headquarters. "I have a meeting
with your boss." Is heard as Olivia and Elizabeth begin walking to the door to leave. "Um, Olivia, I..." Quinn stutters as she is with Gideon. "Hey, where are you going? We have a meeting." Gideon says as he sees the women walk by him. "No, we don't." Olivia says still walking. "You called me.Your guy said that you wanted to talk to me about..." Gideon says walking to catch up with them. "why would we want to do that?" Elizabeth asks with a coffee in her hand. "I don't know. I imagine so you can try to kill my story about Amanda Tanner, which there is no way in hell I am gonna let you do." Gideon says but is cut off by Olivia.

"I don't have to kill your story, gideon. You're going to kill it yourself. As soon as you publish even anything remotely interesting about my client, all of the real reporters at your paper are going to snatch it right out of your cub-reporter hands." Olivia says looking him into the eye as they come to a stop. Elizabeth then hands him her bag and began fixing her outfit. "By the way, great piece yesterday about how the cherry blossoms are so late to bloom this year. I do hope they come soon. This is how this works. You're gonna leave Amanda alone and keep her name out of your paper and your mouth for the next 72 hours.You do that, and I will give you some background on her. And if you're lucky, a quote." Elizabeth spits out making Gideon go speechless and Quinn smile. She then holds her hand out for her bag and gideon gives it to her. Elizabeth and Olivia then enter the elevator as the two watch them. "That sounds fair. Okay. Good meeting." Gideon says.

"There was no meeting babe. I was telling you what your gonna do" Elizabeth says as the elevator door closes.


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