Enemy of the state 4

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Fitz is sitting at his desk in the White House working on his speech when Cyrus walks into the office. "Cyrus! I know J.P. and Sally are probably crying in the hall, but I'm writing my own speech now. It's good. It's great. I'll show it to you when I'm done." Fitz says not looking at Cyrus walking in as he continues to write in his notebook. "Amanda Tanner is pregnant." Cyrus says dropping the bomb causally as he sits down. "What?" Fits questions in disbelief as he puts his paper down.

"The good news is Amanda doesn't want your money. She wants publicity. Also good you don't have to worry about that sex tape, because who needs a sex tape when you've got a fetus full of presidential D.N.A.? It's a win-win." Cyrus says leaning back, putting his hands behind his head. "That's not my baby." Fitz denies as he stands up. "You just keep practicing that line. You're gonna be saying it a lot." Cyrus says. "Okay, what do we do? Next step? How do we? How do we fix this?" Fits asks causing Cyrus to chuckle. "I don't know." Cyrus says shrugging.

"Cyrus, I know you're upset, but we have to game plan this. Whats next?" Fitz asks desperately as he walks closer to Cyrus. "What's next? What's next? Okay, here's what happens next you resign from office now. Or Amanda goes on TV, tells her sad, sordid tale, there are hearings, you're impeached, and you're forced to resign from office. Your Vice President a moronic, right-wing nut job who thinks the Tea Party was founded to lower the yacht tax and who also seems to not quite understand that evolution isn't an idea but an actual fact, but who cares? We won the scary states in the election. They'll have a party now that their grand wizard is President. I'm pretty sure I'll never see a legal marriage and women will lose their right to choose, but hey, whatever. We're all Republicans, even if the new President will give Republicans a bad name. You'll leave in disgrace, go home to California, keep a low profile for a while, and then some fancy publishing house will pay you a fortune for a book, which you'll write, only it won't talk about what everyone really wants to know about, it won't talk about your sordid affair with a White House aide. It'll talk about policy and your thoughts on the economy, and it won't sell because no one cares about your thoughts on policy and the economy anymore because you're not the president anymore. What you are now is a joke on 'Letterman.' Mellie, a lovely woman, ambitious and strong, and, well, quite wealthy in her own right she's not gonna be circa 1998 Hillary on this. No siree. This is the 21st century. She's gonna leave you and she's gonna take your children with her, and everyone will applaud her, from the religious right to the women's groups, because you're a philandering pig who had a child out of wedlock, and we all know it's true because we heard the tape. You'll be alone in your house in Santa Barbara, listening to old records and telling the same story over and over again to the poor sap not smart enough to get out of being assigned to your secret service detail. Then one day, about, oh, three or four years from now, you'll step into your bathroom, take out that revolver your father gave you when you were elected governor, you'll put it in your mouth and you'll blow the back of your skull off. Oprah's retired now, so I guess I have to do a post-funeral interview with Barbara Walters. She's nice."Cyrus says to him him, before jumping up to walk out of the room. "But, you know you just go back to writing your own speech. That's important." he says sarcastically. "That matters." he says chuckling while walking out of the office leaving fitz to think.


Elizabeth, Stephen, Olivia , Quinn and Amanda are sitting in Liz's office figuring out what's next."We'll be filing a petition to determine the paternity of your child in D.C. superior court, after which there will be a hearing and a D.N.A. test." Stephan suggests making Amanda turn to him in concern. "The petition is public, which is going to set things in motion.That same day you'll be taping an interview with Diane Sawyer for '20/20." Olivia says."Diane Sawyer?" Amanda questions as she looks at Olivia. "Don't worry. We'll be doing mock interviews to prepare you for the kinds of questions you will be asked. We don't want any surprises." Elizabeth says as she sits on top of her desk. "And if you're properly prepared, you've got nothing to be afraid of." Stephen assures her.

"You need to call your parents and all your friends. Warn them about what's going to happen. Your parents will want to check into a hotel when the interview airs because their street will be chock-full of reporters, and they won't be well-behaved." Elizabeth says before noticing Amanda's sad expression and sighs. "I know this seems scary, I know it's overwhelming, but we are talking about the President of the United States. You want to burn down his house, you're gonna have to burn down your own as well." Elizabeth says as the door opens and Huck walks in looking for Liv and Eliza.

"Eliza, liv" huck says before both of them follow him out of the office and down the hall to where David is there waiting for them. "Clearly, you two were busy before. It was obviously not the right time to ask for a favor, but I do have a favor to ask, and keep in mind, you both owe me big-time, sort of how I owe six cops from E.R.T. double overtime for showing up at a church, ready to blow holes in 30 nuns. And one way in which I'd like to cash in on what's becoming a truly massive favor deficit between us is for you to help out an old friend of mine." David says ranting causing Elizabeth to get annoyed.

"David?" Elizabeth says getting a bit frustrated. "Yes?" David asks before realizing she called him David instead of Daveed. "I did not answer you when you asked me about this earlier. That was rude and I apologize but This time, I will be more clear. I have far, far more important things to worry about right now than the fate of the crappy newsstand you buy your morning coffee at, and we do not have time for this or for you." Elizabeth says before walking off leaving a shocked Olivia and David.


At the hotel lobby Abby walks up to the receptionist."Hi. Excuse me. I checked someone in yesterday my sister and her two young children, room 402?" Abby asks nicely as the receptionist begins to type on her computer. "Okay, uh, let's see. Room 402 is vacant." The receptionist says causing Abby's smile to fall.


Abby is walking back into the firm and passing Harrison and Elizabeth who are standing in the hallway."Ooo You in trouble." Harrison says as Elizabeth shakes her head. She then walks pass some soldiers and into Liv's office and see the crew and Benicio with Carolina and the kids sitting on a couch. "We will. We will."Olivia says to the General before turning to see abby. "Oh, Abby, good. I was just telling the General that it was you and Stephen that found Señora Florez." Olivia says as Benicio walks up to her and shakes her hand. "I cannot thank you enough. There were moments when I thought I would never see them again. Thank you." Benicio says with a grateful smile.

"You're welcome." she says with a strained smile.
"We think the kidnappers may have been allied with the General's political enemies possibly the exile community.Anyway, thank goodness whoever it was lost their nerve, dropped Carolina and the children off at that shelter, and now here they are, safe and sound." Olivia says giving Abby a fake smile before smiling at the general.

"Safe and sound." Abby repeats with a fake smile.

Sorry for taking long love you guys!!!




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