Enemy of the state 3

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"Carolina Florez...Cuban-born, Boston-raised. She was a waitress at a Harvard bar when she met a cute undergrad named Benicio... Or as I like to call him, the butcher of San Miguel." Abby says as she pulls out papers from her folder and puts it in the table for the team to see.

"Abby." Stephan says giving Abby a look. "They fell in love, got married. He brought her back with him to his home country. They have three kids, lived happily ever after in their little dictatorship, until last night, when according to their oldest son Felipe..."


Stephan and Elizabeth was sitting in a room
Talking to the son Felipe. "They were in the bathroom a long time. I went to chec and then saw them out the back. The men... they pushed them in a van. And I ran inside for help." Filipe admits putting his head down.


"Restaurant bathroom window was smashed. Glass everywhere. Signs of a struggle." Stephan says turning to olivia and then Elizabeth. " But then we went out back." Abby says.

"There's no way out of there." Stephan says as he moves side to side in his chair. "At least not how the kid says he saw it." Olivia says. "What about other witnesses?" Elizabeth questions.


"I didn't hear anything. All I know is they were gone, and the older kid was still here, freaked out." The waitress says as she grabs the empty plates from tables. "Anything strange happen at the table?" Harrison asks. "Mm... just a normal lunch. She had a lot of iced tea. The little boy... cute, maybe 7? He played with one of those electronic game thingies." The waitress answers as she begins walking to other tables.

"What kind? What model? What year?" Huck asks as they follow the waitress."Focus, fanboy."
Harrison says looking at huck. "I don't know. It was white?" The waitress says shrugging causing buck to sigh in dissatisfaction.


"So yeah, basically we have nothing." Harrison says."This doesn't add up. We need to keep digging. Look for a motive. Political opposition, maybe or..." Elizabeth says but gets cut off by huck who walks in.

"I got a signal." Huck says. "What?"Harrison questions arching his brow in confusion. "The kid's Gen 9 S.D. is Wi-Fi-enabled." Huck answers turning to Harrison. "Fanboy here tracked the I.P. Address to the dynamic host configuration protocol assigned to the ARM9 processor and was then able to ping the server's geo-location vector." Huck says excitedly.

"Wanna explain that?" Elizabeth questions looking at huck confused. "I found the toy, which means I found them." Huck answers causing the team to look at eachother. "Go now. Get her. Call David. See if he can get D.C. Metro to send backup. Don't go in alone." Olivia orders as the team gets up and starts to get to work. Quinn who was sitting at the table sits there astonished.


Meanwhile Cyrus is in the meeting with the others."What about this Huck character? Is this really all there is?" he asks after seeing close to nothing in Huck's file."Well, Huck is obviously not his real name. CIA denies knowing him, but they also sent three agents over to my office to encourage me to stop checking into his background. So clearly he's one of theirs. Other than that, he is a mystery." Sanders says.

"Do you have a guess?" Billy questions looking at sanders."My guess is that if you meet this guy in a dark alley, you're done." Sanders says looking back at Billy who nods in uncertainty.


At the church, Abby and Stephen are talking to Carolina, Benicio's wife. "I knew it. I knew he would send someone. I was so stupid. I wasn't thinking. I took Paola and Manuel to the bathroom, and I saw the back door, and I just started thinking, this is it. My security men are at the bar. This is my chance. So I took it." Carolina explains.

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