Hell Hath no fury 5

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The next day Elizabeth filled Olivia in on what Happened after the party.

"You want me to turn myself in? That's a little drastic. Right... mom?" Travis says turning to his mother. "You raped that girl, Travis. She killed herself." Sandra says sadly. "But that wasn't my fault. It wasn't." Travis responds back. "Travis, please. This is hard enough." Sandra pleads.

"So I made a couple of payments? They can't put me away for that." Travis says. "There's a rape kit. It's got your D.N.A. All over it." Elizabeth mentions. " She never pressed charges. They don't even have my name. It happened once. It'll never happen again. I promise." Travis pleads begging his mom. "Travis..." Olivia mumbles. "I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to my mother" Travis says glaring at Olivia. "Hold up" Elizabeth says but is stopped by Olivia.

"I'll go away. How's that sound? I'll go to Europe for a couple of years. And then I'll come back and run the company. That was always the plan anyway. That's a good compromise, right?" Travis says trying to come up with ideas to get out of going to jail.

"That's what I thought you'd say." Sandra says with a sad smile. "Well, good. That takes care of the problem." Travis says in relief making Elizabeth look away. She already knew what was coming next.

"I've already taken care of it, honey." Sandra says sadly making Travis look at her in confusion and fear. Suddenly the door open revealing the cops there. "You didn't. Mom?" Travis says with fear on his face. As the cops come and arrest Travis he tries to get out of their clutch."Mo... don't do this, mom!" Travis shouts."Mom!Don't do this.Mom, listen to me. Please! This is crazy."Travis pleads as Sandra turns away in sadness.

"Jane Powell, my friend? Got transferred to misdemeanors."David utters. "Oh?" Olivia says looking at Elizabeth."Something about incompetence, didn't research the defendant well." David says shrugging. "How sad for you." Elizabeth says sarcastically."Okay, maybe." David says."Maybe what?" Elizabeth asks. "Maybe we can be friends." David says. "We are best friends i don't know why you keep playing" Elizabeth says with smirk.


Meanwhile at the White House Fitz was in the oval when Mellie walks on. "You okay?" Millie asks looking at her husband."Why did you invite her to the state dinner?" Fitz asks as he looks out the window."Elizabeth?" Mellie questions as she closes the door."Why would you do that?" Fitz asks not answering her question. "Because you needed to see her" Mellie answers."I trust that tonight, you'll sleep like a baby." Mellie says earning a silent reply from Fitz.

Got that ass


At headquarters Elizabeth and Olivia invited Gideon. "Wait. Where's Amanda?" Gideon asks."Change of plan. You're not getting a quote from Amanda." Olivia demands. "Screwed by Olivia pope. Why am I not surprised?" Gideon says upset.

" Actually You're getting something better. Something that will actually help your career... an interview with Sandra Harding. Have you heard of her?" Elizabeth says leaning on the table. "H.D.X., right? Her company's worth $300 million." Gideon says as Quinn hands him a file.

"About an hour ago, she turned her son in to
the U.S. attorney for rape. Tomorrow she's going to resign. She's agreed to tell you and only you her side of the story. Not only will your byline be on the front page of your paper, but this story,
your exclusive story, will be chased by every
major newspaper in the country. And they'll get nothing." Elizabeth says convincing Gideon ."I know it's not cherry blossoms,but..." Olivia finishes as she and Elizabeth walk away.

"Thank you. I... Thank you." Gideon says thanking the women."By the way Gideon, that was a meeting." Elizabeth says loudly as they walk away causing Quinn to catch up with them.

"You know, I've been meaning to tell you, it's probably nothing, but gideon said this thing at drinks about how he never called Amanda, not once, and my gut says to believe him. My gut says he's not lying." Quinn says.

"Reporters lie, Quinn." Olivia says back. "My gut says she's lying." Quinn says."I don't think Amanda's telling us everything." Elizabeth says looking at the two women. "Elizabeth.." Olivia says looking at her best friend.

"Look I'm not saying she's lying but I don't think she's saying everything. Something is missing it has to be" Elizabeth says looking at Olivia and then Quinn.


Olivia and Elizabeth go back to Olivia's house where amanda is staying. "He's mad at me. I get that" Amanda says getting up from her seat. "But if I could just have five minutes... Alone with him, I know that I could explain." Amanda says sniffling. "I know how hard this is." Elizabeth says sighing.

"I'm sure you do." Amanda says sarcastically. "yes.. I do You're afraid that it was nothing, that he's forgotten it already, tossed you like yesterday's paper, and moved on without another thought, and if he's forgotten, then it's almost as if it never happened, that what you had with him wasn't real, and that makes you feel...... alone." Elizabeth says staring at the wall as Olivia stares at her best friend in sadness.

"But we haven't forgotten.We know what happened. We know it was real." Olivia says as amanda wipes her tears. "And whatever you decide to do here,however you want to play this thing out, we will stand beside you every step of the way if you ask me to, we will make him remember and you will never, ever be alone in this again but I'm gonna need everything...every truth, every detail." Olivia says encouraging Amanda to talk. "If we are gonna stand with you, Amanda, We need to hear all of it." Elizabeth says fearing for the worse. "I'm pregnant." Amanda says looking at them both. Those two words made Elizabeth's eye widen in shock.


Ooooo she's what?!?

That episode is finally done




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