Chp 2: Could This Get Any Worse?!

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"Excuse me...sorry..." I mutter as I bump into people.

I look ahead and find Simon and Sebastian playing beer pong in a corner of the house. Smiling, I run up to them, "Hey guys!"

Sebastian looks over at me, his long dreads pulled back into a bun, "Hey, Lil T!"

Sebastian Kurtis Jackson, AKA, my third "older brother". He's a senior in high school, will be 19 in 3 months, and always looking out for me. I love him for that. He's in beta club, captain of the wrestling team, and plays football. He's a major foodie and despite his large size, 6′6, he's the biggest softie.

"What up, Lil T," Simon says, focusing on the game in front of him.

Sebastian and I watch as he stares thoughtfully at the cups. He throws a white plastic ball, biting his bottom lip concentrating. It lands into the cup at the furthest end of the table and he pumps his fists, "LET'S GO!!!"

People groan annoyed as he grabs the whiskey bottle and chugs it.

"Dude! You're not supposed to drink from the bottle!!" A guy shouts, grabbing Simon's hands and trying to pry them from the bottle.

Simon Dominic Alvarez, AKA the biggest pain in the ass. I love him, I do, but he has unnecessary amounts of energy. He also plays football, and track, and is vice president of his senior class. He's the shortest of the boys, height being 5′7, and to be honest, that's what makes him kind of adorable, just overly hyper.

"Give me this fucking bottle, you fucking alcoholic!!" The guy says, snatching the bottle from Simon's hands. Stumbling, Simon retorts, "I'm not an alcoholic, dipshit!! If that were the case, everyone here would be!!"

Sebastian rolls his eyes, as Simon and the guy begin arguing. He looks back down at me, "Anyway, what up, T?"

"I'm all out of strawberry lemonade." I state, awkwardly, "I was wondering if you could get me some more." He chuckles, before gesturing toward the kitchen, " 'Course, Tiffany. It's in the kitchen."

" want me to get myself?" I ask, raising a brow. He nods slowly, brows furrowed, "Yes?"


"Because you want it you have to get it."

"But Sebastian!!" I whine, frowning.

He grins as he grabs my shoulder, "Don't be like that, T. I would get it for you, but I'm in a serious game of beer pong. I don't wanna lose my car to some loser for a week again."

I huff, pushing up my glasses, "Fine..."

I shuffle away as Sebastian shouts, "Be careful!!" I shuffle my way past people and end up in the kitchen.

There's literally no one in here, that's surprising...

I walk around the island and up to the fridge, opening it. I search through it, finding various brands of liquors. Bacardi, Vodka, Whiskey, Jack Daniels, Brandy, Beer, Hennessy.

Hell, I even found Wine.

Tempting, but I'll pass.

I shake my head and push aside the beverages as I dig through them. Eventually, I find the strawberry lemonade at the very back of the fridge. I smile, instantly feeling happier as I pull the bottle out, and close the fridge.

I walk over to the island and grab a foam cup. I open the bottle of strawberry lemonade and pour myself a large cup of it. Screwing the cap onto the bottle, I set it down, and carefully bring my cup to my lips.

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