Chp. 10: Friend Group Tings

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"Loosen up, Tiny!!"

"Loosen up? How am I supposed to loosen up when you're driving like a maniac?!" I reply bitterly, holding onto my seat. My hair flies all over the place due to the wind from out the window.

I just had to grease my hair today, didn't I?

It's getting all on my glasses, everything looks blurry...

Travis chuckles, switching on his turning signal, "I always drive like this."

"Speeding?" I ask, wide-eyed. I look over at him as he adjusts his sunglasses. He shrugs nonchalantly, the wind rippling through his wavy locks, "If that's what you wanna call it, then yes."

He then says, sarcastically, " 'Speeding' ." I roll my eyes, annoyed.

Suddenly making a sharp right turn, Travis turns the wheel, and I squeal, "I can't believe that I let you drag me into this death trap!!!"

" 'Death trap' might be a bit of an exaggeration, Tiny."

I shake my head, "I am not over-exaggerating!! Cars are dangerous when going at high speeds!!" I turn back to stare out the window, gnawing on my bottom lip.

There's a long silent pause, Travis glancing over at me as he slows down the car to the speed limit.

Thank god.

I start to calm down a little, "Thank you..."

"Of course..." He replies, still glancing over at me. Another long moment passes, and Travis abruptly says, "No hands!"

I look over at him as he removes his hands from the wheel. My eyes widen and he simply shoots me a mischievous grin.

My stomach drops as I begin panicking, the car picking up speed again, "W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"It's a trick." He responds in a duh tone, sticking his tongue out at me, and I frown.

"No, it's not!!"


"TRAVIS!!!" I scream, glaring at him and stomping my foot. He laughs, placing his hands back on the wheel, "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Tiny."

We slow down, and my kinky, curls hair falling back into my face, messy of course. I push up my glasses, breathing heavily as I toss my hair out of my face.

Pulling the hair tie from my wrist, I pull my hair up into a high ponytail. I calm down a bit, relaxing my grip on my seat, "H-h-how were you even able to get this car?"

"My Mom finally got it for me after I wouldn't leave her alone about it." He says casually, a smug grin on his face.

The car falls silent as we continue through the streets at high speeds. I grip my seatbelt tightly, as we speed through yet another neighborhood.

I glance over at him, as he only drives with one hand on the wheel. His other hand scratches his lightly stubbled chin. I blush, noticing how strong his hands and arms are. Slight veins protrude from his hands and forearms, and his rings shimmer in the sunlight, also being a distraction.

Though his outfit is simple, something about it makes me swoon~

God, Tiffany, stop it...

This is Travis Reel. The school's biggest asshole, and notorious for every damn thing known to man.

Don't go and start crushing on him, he's no good...

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