Chp. 5: The Girl In The Yellow Sweater

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Monday, 7:35 AM...

Travis's POV:

"Yes, I'm at school," I reply, holding my phone up to my ear. Pulling into an empty parking space near the school building, I park the car, "I just got here."

I sit back in my seat, cringing as my Mom continues to scold me with a thick Italian accent, "Travis, I swear to god if you miss another day of school, I'm not grounding you, I'm going to beat your ass."

"Yes, ma'am," I sigh, pulling my keys from the ignition, "I won't miss any more days..."

I'll try just because I hate being grounded...

"Good. Mamma ti voglio bene." She says sweetly, in a light Italian accent now.

(Mamma ti voglio bene - Mamma Loves You)

I swear my Mom is bipolar...

She can be fuming one minute, then dancing in a circle the next.

Andrea Chiara Reel, aka my mom, is a big-time Attorney, and always working on cases. I love her with everything in my heart, but she's always picking on me.

"Ti voglio bene," I smile, pushing open the car door. I step out, closing the door behind me, "Hey! Also, are you working late again today???"

"Sì. So, you'll have the house to yourself if Richard doesn't come over."

I frown, my mood ruined.


Richard Hampton.

I don't particularly like him. He's my mom's boyfriend of, like, 10 years??

It's more like 2, but it feels like he's been around for that long.

He's a police officer, so he's always talking about peace and justice, and other shit. Like, okay, we get it. Peace and justice are great. Tell that to someone who cares.

"Fucking Richard..." I groan, walking over and pulling open the back door.

"Language." Mom says harshly, and I frown. Reaching in, I grab my backpack and shut the door, "Sorry, I didn't realize I said that out loud..."

Laughing on the other end of the phone, Mom says, "Oh, don't be like that, you know you like him."

"Yeah right..."

"Either way, you'll learn to like him. He's a great guy," Mom says, sweetly, "Anyway, I gotta go. Have a good day at school!! Make great choices and remember, Mamma loves you very much, neonato!!"

(Neonato - Baby)

"Love you too, Mamma!!" I say, grinning like a dumbass.

What can I say, I'm a Mama's boy.

Hanging up, I sigh, slipping my phone into my back pocket. Looking back at my car, I lock it and shove my keys into my backpack pocket.

I sling my bag onto my back and look around to notice people walking toward the school building, laughing with their friends and whatnot. Some people stand near their cars taking turns hitting vapes and shit.

I frown, really considering just getting back in my car and risking a brutal ass-whooping when I get home.

I don't like being at school and honestly, who does?

Cause if you do, you're a fucking weirdo.

School is literally like being in prison, except you only have to be at school for 8 hours at a time.

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