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Trigger Warning:

Some sensitive topics are discussed in the chapter...


After 30 more minutes of me screaming hysterically and falling a few times on my butt, we stop by the cafe area of the building. We all sit in a booth, I and Stormy on one side, and May, Ian, and Zoe sit on the other as we all laugh.

"I'm telling you, Stormy, the cashier was so trying to hit on you," I laugh, May agreeing with me. "That man looked like he was about ready to faint when he saw you," Ian adds, and Zoe giggles.

"For real. I thought he was for a second," Zoe giggles, explaining, "Not only that, but he's a fan of you. With you being an Instagram Model and everything."

"Yep! I'm not surprised," Stormy replies, giggling, "It's not the first time this has happened."

"How often does that happen???" Ian asks, sipping his latte.

"Often." May snorts, nudging him, "Everywhere we go, someone spots her. It's honestly funny 'cause she gets all shy about it." I look over at Stormy as she giggles, playing with her hair, "Yeah..."

"Never a dull moment, huh??" I laugh, looking over at her, and she nods, smiling a little. "If you don't mind me asking, Stormy, what made you want to become an Instagram Model? I've always wondered that," Zoe chimes in, adjusting her braids.

Suddenly, May's face becomes serious and shifts her attention to Stormy. Her eyes swarm with concern as she anxiously awaits Stormy's answer.

Letting out an awkward laugh, Stormy mumbles glancing over at May, "I get that question a lot, I don't mind."

"Stormy, you don't have to..." May suddenly blurts, face softening with sadness. Stormy shakes her head, eyes full of sincerity, "I don't mind telling, I trust them. I'm more than happy to tell her."

Ian, Zoe, and I look at both of them, Zoe suddenly falling silent, a look of guilt on her face.

The whole atmosphere has changed. It feels tense.

Reaching out to grab her hand, Zoe states, a sorrowful expression on her face, " don't have to answer that's personal."

Stormy looks up to meet her gaze and laughs. She grabs her hand and holds it tightly in hers, "But that's the thing, I want to tell you guys something personal about me. All of my friends know. And I consider you guys my friends. Despite us just now meeting officially."

I nod, as she glances around the table.

She sighs, letting go of Zoe's hand, and pulling her hair down, " put it into simpler terms. The reason I decided to become a model in the first place was because I used to hate the way I looked."

May falls silent, eyes sad, and I, Zoe, and Ian all pause, listening closely to her words.

Continuing, Stormy looks down at her hands, "I didn't like the fact that I was...bigger than most girls. I was even made fun of because of it. I was in middle school, and I didn't tell my parents about the bullying, but May and the boys all stuck up for me when people would call me names. I wanted to lose weight more than anything and be thin..."

"So...since I felt like no matter what I did to lose weight was quick enough, I resorted to...basically starving myself. I developed an eating disorder and would allow myself one meal a day. I counted my calories, what I ate in a day, how much of it I was eating...I didn't tell anyone that I was doing this to myself. I hid from everyone. This went on for a nearly three months, and I had lost a lot more weight than I thought. But I didn't think it was enough. So started eating less and less..."

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