Chp. 7: It's Tiffany.

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During class...

"You ran from him again???" Ian mutters, flabbergasted, "Tiffany!!"

"I know!! I know!!!" I reply, laying my head on my desk as we continue doing our class work, "I shouldn't have run..."

"If you know that, then why did you?!!"

"I got nervous!!! People were staring!!!" I whisper harshly, looking back up at him, "And keep it down!! Someone might hear!!!"

Facepalming, Ian lets out a heavy sigh, before laughing. I raise a brow, confused, "Why are you laughing?" He shakes his head, laughing some more, "Because I'm in disbelief, that's why..."

Moving his hand from his face, he smiles sweetly, "You're so weird, you know that?? But in a cute way..." I frown, slicking a strand of my hair behind my ear, "And that's funny to you??"

"Yeah, because you probably scared him off with how weird you are."

My eyes widen at that, I feeling slightly hopeful now.

He's right!!!

"You're absolutely right!!! He'll never want to talk to me again now!!!" I grin happily, reaching over and grabbing Ian by his shoulders. I shake him wildly and he gasps in shock, "JESUS, TIFF-"

"YOU BRILLIANT MAN!!!" I sing happily, as he grabs hold of my wrists, concern written on his face. "Tiff, honey, calm down, people are staring." He mumbles, glancing around the room.

"I don't care!! I finally feel at ease!! Thanks to you!!" I chirp, letting him go, "He'll have to leave me alone now!!! Because I'm a weirdo!!! I love that!!!"

He smiles at me before shaking his head, "Okay, crazy..."

Grabbing my pencil, I happily begin doing my work, humming. We start doing our work together, answering all of the questions on the first page. I flip it over, and Ian does the same. I answer the first question but pause on the second.

I stare at it, trying to think of an answer, "Hey, Ian?? Do you know what the answer for #2 would be?? I can't decide between B or D."

I await his response, but nothing comes. I look over at him, brows furrowed, "Ian??" I notice him staring at the front of the classroom, eyes wide.

What is he staring at??

I look in the same direction and immediately my heart stops.

What. The. Fuck.

The whole classroom has gone somewhat quiet, we all staring as Travis Reel enters the room.

"Is that Mr. Bailey?!" Travis says, pretend shock on his face as he approaches him, binder in hand. Turning around, Mr. Bailey looks over at him and grins, "Well I'll be damned!! If it ain't Travis Reel!!!"

Smirking, Travis says cheekily, "What up, Old Man??"

"Nothing much, kiddo!! Just enjoying how peaceful this classroom is without you in it!!" He replies, crossing his arms.

Playfully glaring at him, Travis narrows his eyes as Mr. Bailey laughs hysterically, "Wow!! I see how it is, Mr. Bailey! See if I ever come and visit your class again!!"

"I'm kidding, boy!!" Mr. Bailey replies, grabbing Travis's shoulder. "Yeah, that's what I thought!! You know I'm your favorite!!" Travis says smugly, and Mr. Bailey sighs.

"I never said that."

"But you're thinking it."

"Aren't you supposed to be in class??"

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