Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay, so I'm going to need Barley, Basil, Black Pepper, and Cumin which you guys probably already have. And then I am also going to need Devil's Claw, Figwort, and Foxglove."

Keaton and I continued to work on the protection spell after lunch, and I am finally finished with it. I will need all of this stuff so that I can scatter it around the perimeter while I recite the spell. I will also be scattering Amber and Angelica, but I already have those.

"I also want to plant Cactus, Holly, and Chrysanthemum in the garden out back. And hang aloe around the house for extra protection. But I don't need those right away." I add.

"Alright, we can get all of that for you. But it might take a little while. I'm going to give this list to Devlin so that he can start working on it."

Keaton was wiring down all the things that I asked for, and now he stands up with the list and heads out of my room.

We have been working on this all day, with hardly any breaks. But it has been worth it since I have figured out the perfect combination of herbs and spells to use. And soon I will be able to go outside anytime I want without needing protection.

I decide to relax and take a break since I have been working all day, so I reach over and grab my phone. I have become even more familiar with it now, and have even downloaded some apps that looked interesting and fun.

I open one of them now and start playing some games to pass the time until Keaton gets back.

Before I know it, twenty minutes have passed, and Keaton hasn't come back yet. I put my phone down and decide to go look for him.

As I leave my room and head down the hall, toward the stairs, I can hear voices. They sound normal at first but as I descend the stairs, they start to grow in volume and I recognize Devlin's voice.

"What the fuck!? How did you guys let this happen!?"

I then hear many voices speaking at once, before Keaton's voice cuts through them.

"Can we please just focus on Aizen right now!? I need to stop this bleeding!"

As soon as I hear those words I sprint down the stairs and toward the voices, which are coming from the office. But I stop in my tracks as soon as I enter the room.

Aizen is sitting in one of the chairs, and he might have looked normal, except for the massive blood stains on his shoulder and running down his arm.

Keaton is standing over him with a bloodied rag pressed to the side of his neck.

The sight of Aizen is shocking enough, but then I catch sight of Everett. He is standing across the room, and he has blood stains all over his clothing as well. His clothes are ripped in places and I can see that he had wounds that have healed and aren't currently bleeding like Aizen's are.

"Willow, you should go back to your room. You'll only get in the way." Devlin snaps at me.

I look at Devlin and he is glaring at me, but I ignore him. I rush over to Aizen and crouch down beside him.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"Just an accident at work. I'll be fine, don't worry." Aizen tries to reassure me, but I don't buy it.

Now I am really curious about what they do for work and how it could result in this. But now is not the time to ask. I stand up and start to head out of the room.

"I will make some Arrowroot tea, it will stop the bleeding and start the healing process," I say over my shoulder. I don't know how the healing potion will affect his body as it is meant for humans and witches, not Fae. I don't want to take the risk that it won't work or even that it will make things worse. Arrowroot is a natural substance though and its healing properties work for any species, so it is guaranteed to help. 

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