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"It was awesome knuckle I haven't been to a game since I was a kid" I grinned.

"Oh my god how's Soupy?" I asked

"He'll be fine don't think it broke any teeth might be out a game maybe not depends" Looch answered.

Since I'd got into the SUV I couldn't shut up about the game. The traffic was slow but we were slowly moving uptown.

"And Nate's goal wow" I turned round "your goal Na-" I said excitedly. I looked at nate his head propped up on his fist leaning against the window, sound asleep. I smiled to myself he looked so peaceful and relaxed.

The face he had on during the game of concentration and dedication of fight and determination had dissolved to nothing more than the Nate I knew.

I turned round in my seat. Smiling to myself.

"Wow he conked out quick"

"He asleep" looch asked not taking his eyes of the road.

"Like a baby" ferknuckle replied.

"He played hard and he had the media on his ass no wonder he's tired" Looch mumbled.

"But Ty played hard and he had the reporters on his butt whys he not asleep yet" I asked curiously.

"Cause I didn't have a concussion, Hortys body's been acting up since then"

"When he's tired he's tired there's no stopping him sleeping and no waking him up" Looch said.

"That's why it's important he actually sleeps some nights if he didn't have those pills he'd be awake for days for no reason" ferknuckle added quietly.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I mumbled not wanting to know the answer.

"We don't know Jess" Looch whispered.

Conversation died down after that and we drove home in silence. The boys were right because when we pulled into the parking lot Nate was a deadweight as they half dragged half carried him to the lift and into the apartment.

It was scary to watch someone like that. He wasn't drugged or unconscious he was alive he just wasn't acting it and I doubt the feeling was voluntary.

The guys brought him to his room. Tyler threw me a Gatorade "Here you must be hungry since we had nothing since lunch"

"You realize you gave me a Gatorade to combat hunger"

"It's like liquid food"

"It's liquid energy" I smirked putting it on the counter. He stood in front of me and stopped drinking to realize I was correct.

"Touché Jesse"

"That made no sense" I grinned

"My life usually doesn't" he shrugged

"You gonna be okay here for the night I don't know what you were planning on doing or anything" he asked rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah sure if you don't mind I'm not sure what I'm doing we were in mid argument" I said pointing to Nates door.

"Cool so ill see you in the morning Jess" he spoke and walked towards his room.

Ferknuckle and Looch appeared from Nates room and walked over to the island.

"Here have a Gatorade" looch said handing me one I laughed.

"No thanks liquid energy" I chuckled and told them that Ty had said the same thing seconds earlier.

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