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Jesse [12]

"How long do we have to wait?" I asked for the tenth time.

"As long as we need to"

I was sat in the waiting room with Nate at the clinic for a three month check up, because apparently you needed to keep an eye on there things.

"Jessica Baker" a nurse called and I resisted the urge to correct her. I stood up smoothing down my sweater smiling tightly at Nate.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" I shook my head and turned to follow the woman.

"Dr.Lenoard" a man held out his hand and gestured for me to sit.

"It's been three months since you were attacked and raped yes?" I hated how casual he made it sound.

"Something like that" I muttered.

"And you've been examined already today" he mumbled flicking through the reports "and it looks like your already healed down there"

"Have you had sex since your attack" he asked matter of factly.


"Have you made a statement to the police"


"You realize there is still time?"

"I would rather not" I said through gritted teeth tears threatening to spill over.

He nodded moving on "and what side effects if any have you been having in relation to all your Injuries?"

"Just the odd twinge with my chest my leg is fine and my.. Yeah that's fine.." I cringed not looking at him.

"And mental?"

"Mental what?"

"Have you been having flashbacks nightmares Ms.Baker"


"I would advice this" he said handing me a pamphlet about physiologist treatment "I can book you am appointment if you'd like" he asked spinning to find his address book.

"With all respect Dr Im coping fine and don't need a stranger telling me what's wrong so if that's all I'd very much like to leave"

He sighed obviously I hadn't been the first awkward customer "alright Ms. take those meds if you can't sleep any problems call back to us"

I left the clinic spotting Nate in the waiting room looking blatantly uncomfortable. His eyes met mine and he nodded in understanding as I bolted out of the clinic.

I leant against the wall trying to breathe normally again my breath coming out as fog in front of me.

I felt Nate pull me into a hug and I held my breathe refusing to cry again. I just relished the chance to be in his arms.His lips pressed against my hair and I calmed down. It was over, the only time I'd have to relive that night is in my nightmares and hopefully they'd disappear soon too.

"It's gonna be okay Jess"

"I know" I mumbled against his jacket.

He pulled away looking into my eyes, I felt exposed like he was looking at my secrets, secrets I didn't want him to see.

"Lets go home" he smiled at me planting a kiss on my cheek sneakily.

"Hey you don't get to kiss me" I winked cheekily pulling his face to mine and kissing me on the lips I ran my tongue over his lip and pulled away just before he opened his mouth.

"You tease Jesse Baker, you tease" he grinned lunging for me as I squeaked and ran away from him.

It had been a couple of weeks since Nate and I had first kissed and we weren't an item far from it since then we'd only kissed three times including now. We weren't friends with benefits of anything I don't think either of us were sure what we were. But there was no mistaking the chemistry.

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