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I sat down on the mattress shivering I was so cold too cold to even move. There

was no heat because I had no money to put in the meter. I needed to put money in

the meter for electricity too and now it was dark. I was huddled into the corner

of the room hugging the blankets,to afraid to move.

I hadn't slept proper in a week. One for an hour or two before waking for two

and sleeping for two a continuos vicious cycle.

My stomach growled with hunger because I hadn't been working both of my jobs.

Only the cleaning one and only a few hours which I wasn't meant to be doing in

the first place, tomorrow my boss had said I had to go back to full shift no

excuses or I'd be fired. He didn't know.

No one knew. Who would I tell I had no one and even if I did I am certain I

wouldn't tell anyone I was raped in the back of an alley.

I clicked on the torch again scanning it around the room as I panned the light I

realised my existence was minute.

I had ,on my left a counter and old cabinets as a kitchen the front door to the

right I had a door leading to the bathroom in which there was a leaky bath which

held brown dirty waters and a sink.

All my possessions were in two duffel bags.

Some clothes a scrapbook my text books for college and a few smaller items. In

reality I didn't need anything I tried to avoid coming 'home' there was nothing

to do no Internet no television no sofa besides I spent all this time working


It had been a week and I was going to go back to busting tables tomorrow

morning. Tomorrow afternoon I was cleaning a middle school then college at night


I had to get back up. I'd been trying to find ways to make my ribs hurt less but

it didn't work. The rib belt was helping a bit but the pain was still there and

because I didn't have the cash I couldn't get the sleeping pills or pain


I flicked off the torch again and rested my head against the wall. Willing

myself to sleep.

I must have fallen asleep because I awoke with a start sometime later. I sat

frozen stiff worried it was him I heard. I clicked on the torch scanning the

room.No one was there just another nightmare. I cracked my neck and sat on my

numb hands to try and get them warm.

I wish I had my old life back.

The one of warmth and love and family and anything but what this was because

this wasn't much, this wasn't anything.

I woke up the next morning after a restless night but at least I had managed to

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